You get back together - Cisco

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*Message from: Cisco💔 

» Hey, y/n

»Can we meet up at Jitters?

«Yeah sure


You walked into CC Jitters and saw Cisco sitting in the booth you went to for your first date, he was seriously messing with your heart. You took the seat opposite him and sat down. You stared at each other, it had been a long time since you had seen him and it felt good that you met up.

"Hey." You started He stared at you for a while then answered<"Hi sorry, hi just forgot how handsome you look." He said. You smiled,"It's been two months and you can still make me smile like you did on our 1 year anniversary." You said. He started t laugh," Remember, when we went to the football game and we were on the kiss cam..." Cisco said," And both our mouths were stuffed with food but w made out anyway." You remembered.

You covered your face just thinking about it,"I can't believe we were that gross." You said,"But the crowd kept cheering." Cisco added. He leaned in,"I miss having those moments with you, I miss you y/n." He said,"Come back to me, come back to us." He said. You thought about it, you did miss him," I miss you too, but I don't want to get hurt again." You told him.

"I promise, I will never hurt you again,y/n. Please come back." He asked.

You kissed him,"You can take this as a yes."


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- Hello. I've updated my DC x Male Reader book so you should go check t out if you haven't. i also wanna start a Teen Wolf and Friends x Male Reader but I don't want to rush into anything. Tell me what you think about this book please!!!!!

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