How to melt a frozen heart - Leo Snart

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1. Make sure that you always wake up in his arms

Leo loves having you wake up in the morning on his chest. The sound of his heart beat keeps you sound asleep. He also kisses you until you wake up not bothering about your morning breath, he says that your lips are the most important meal of the day. Your face is the first thing he wants to see in the morning.

2. Capture the moment

Leo always has his cute moments and he says you have yours too. You're not allowed to own a cellphone because someone might recognize him, the Flash could- it's a long story but he got you a Polaroid cameras and you capture every moment of his adorableness. He says your the cutest man alive. He keeps all pictures of you in his wallet so he can see them anytime.

3. Sing

When he found out that you could sing he told you never to stop. When he comes from wok he'll ask you nicely to sing a song, his favorite song is Love by Lana Del Ray. He always sings to you 'My boyfriend's back, and his better than ever' and you love it. You sing Leo to sleep so that his voice can be the last thing that he hears before he drifts off.

4. Bake

Other than your lips, he loves eating the treats you bake. He'll eat the cookie dough and watch like a little kid at how the cakes you bake rises in the oven. He eats with his face and he'll stare at you making you burst out with laughter. Occasionally you'll spill some flour on him, then he'll throw on you and it will end with both of you covered in flour, making out on the floor while trying not to break into fits of laughter.

5. Make love

He might be a bad guy but he's the sweetest lover. He leaves hickies all over your neck to show his affection for you, you're his number one guy. He also loves to cuddles after you're done having sex and it doesn't matter how late it is he'll wake you up and cuddle. He never goes rough on you or to fast because he's afraid of hurting you, he could never hurt you. He loves you.

Follow all these and you'll be sure to melt his frozen heart.


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- This was so fun to write, someone other than The Flash main cast.

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