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"Well?" The Captain demanded staring at me with fierce ice blue eyes.

To be honest, I had no idea she had even been speaking moments before. The damn keys were right in front of me. I was in a numb stupor–a complete rarity.

The captain lost her patience and made to grab me with an armoured hand. I dodged it easily but instantly regretted the action. Attention was not something I sought at present.

She raised her eyebrows slightly before narrowing them in suspicion. "Nimble for a scout. What did you say your name was?"

Fortunately I'd shaken myself out of my daze. "Lucina Barnet–Captain." I added. Her eyes scanned my face briefly and she either bought the lie or didn't have time enough to pursue the matter.

"Be sure that our carriage horses are properly watered and fed before sunrise, they will need it more than the rest." She stated. "And I want you back on duty within the hour." She said with a  steely gaze. 

I resisted the urge to rise to the challenge. Biting my tongue or receiving orders were always the key to my temper and she was doing a masterful job of pissing me off. I clenched a gloved hand and instead dropped her a curt nod.

"I will be sure to do so." I gritted out.

Her eyes scanned me again, something almost between curiosity and amusement was caught in them. Without another word she turned on her heel and marched off in the direction of a loud group of soldiers. Her black braided hair tossed from one side in the move and I finally remembered to breathe.

I need to find Kaden and John now.

I ducked behind a nearby tent and scanned the area. Maroon tents, bonfires, rugs... wait. My eyes trailed to where I spotted rugs. They seemed to surround a much larger tent, something that would be frequently used, hence the rugs to protect the ground from water logging and mud–

A hand wrapped around my mouth tightly.

The moment I was about to twist and shove a dagger into the body–a face appeared.

"Damn the gates of Val–"

"Curse later, move now." Kaden grunted down at me.

I shook my head at him. "You forget that surprising me in a place like this is hardly good for your life expectancy..." I muttered over my shoulder as we moved carefully towards the large armoury tent.

"That blade wouldn't even sink an inch past this skin." Kaden snorted.

I grinned at his back. "Maybe an arrow will do."

He stayed silent and we soon neared a small tent closest to the armoury. John materialised from a shadow. We nodded to him in greeting.

"Four guards. Two at the opening, two inside. I watched their rotations." John informed me.

"They are pikemen but not royal guards, it will not do to steal their armour alone." Kaden continued in a gruff voice. "We need what's inside."

I remained quiet for a moment as I considered this.

"We need a distraction. Something that will not cause suspicion but will keep attention away from this tent..." I trailed off as I beheld John's face light up with a devilish grin.

"Gods help us." Kaden muttered beside me.

Damn the odds and the rules indeed. I thought, as I watched the cogs of John's mind work. Distractions were his game after all...

* * * * *

Three tents suddenly exploded with varying plumes of smoke. Shouts quickly filled the air and the camp turned into momentary chaos and confusion in a matter of seconds.

John casually swaggered over to us with his hands buried in his pockets.

I smirked at him and flicked my chin towards the armoury.

"After you, or would you prefer to furnish the inside of this one in green and red also?" I said lightly.

He slapped me on my chain mailed shoulder. "I think we're good, Tayah."

"Good for roughly 10 minutes before they discover it was nothing more than a false alarm." Kaden said quickly. "We need to suit up and be outside of that tent in that time."

"Agreed." I nodded.

We jogged over to the now clear entrance. John lifted back the flap and we all ducked inside. Torches lit the interior and rows upon rows of weapons racks filled the space. John and Kaden's eyes looked hungrily at all of it. But I slapped them behind the heads.


It did not take long to find. Kaden spied it first and pointed to the shining armour that stood apart from the rest. Royal guard's uniforms and armour.

"Take the chest pieces first, then the pauldrons. Move from top to bott–"

"Yes, an astute observation mother, I think I can outfit myself in this tin." John said dryly from behind.

Kaden growled. "Do not expect my aid when you are running out of here with your armour cutting into your skin."

"Shut your mouths both of you. Do as Kaden says John and get this on." I snapped.

John mumbled something unintelligible before obliging and suiting himself in plate metal. Within five minutes we had all fully armoured ourselves from head to toe and not even our eyes could be seen behind the intricate and protective helmets.

"Now take the pikes–not those" Kaden slapped a metal hand over John's helmet with a clang. Instead of a small stumble, the new armour caused him to lose his balance entirely and crash into the rack of pikes and swords. The noise was horrific and I mentally slapped myself.

These idiots... by Thor's hammer.

Voices were suddenly very evident outside and I motioned for them to grab the first pikes they could see. I swiftly kicked one into my hand and sliced a nearby tent wall open. It was a complete gamble that no one on the other side awaited us but fortunately the darkness and surrounding tents gave us cover.

We rushed out before the voices within could find us.

I motioned at my companions to slow to a walk as we exited into the firelight. The night was complete now and the stars were prominent in the sky. Guards were either sleeping off their dinner or out on patrol for the most part. It made our travel through camp much easier. But not perfect. 

No soldier stopped us. In fact a few passing us dropped fists to chests and nodded in respect. I was fortunate to be tall, in fact only a few inches shorter than John. It made my guard appearance unquestionable. But from town thieves to Royal guards... this would be a hard one to top in a day. 

We still had to find that damn–

"There." John murmured next to me beneath his helmet.

He subtly prodded a finger from his pike to the direction of where three carriages were shrouded in rugs and tarp. It was a halfhearted disguise but I suppose they doubted anyone would challenge the eight royal guards that surrounded it...

"Now would be an excellent time for you to bluff our way into a guard rotation, Kaden." I murmured beside him as we continued to walk closer.

My heart hammered beneath my heavy armour and I could truly feel how hot I was becoming under it all. I had no idea how that Captain had managed to seem so unfazed by it all.

"Consider it done." He said darkly. But I knew there would be a smile under that helmet at the challenge.

The Mercenary's Valkyrie: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now