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I sighed in delight when I opened the oak door that lead into our accommodation. Xerxes may only have one room remaining—but he made it a good one.

Large windowed doors were already open that lead onto a wooden balcony hanging from the stone building. The sunlight cut through it and displayed the book shelves lining the walls clearly. There was also a colossal bed in the centre that was suitable for a king or at least three fully grown men. I strode towards the windows and felt the plush red rugs covering much of the wooden floor in my leather boots.

"He cannot hate us too much." Kaden grunted as he took in our lavish accommodation.

"We'll pay him well." John said as he threw himself across the large well made bed. I shook my head at his sprawled out form, but Kaden soon thumped across the floor towards him.


He didn't finish as a tree landed on him with the clang of his armour and weapons. The Valkyrie ignored them both and joined me by the open windows. The breeze and sunlight kissed our skin as we looked out below at the many people carrying out their day.

So many colours and sounds invaded our senses. Clothing was rich and extravagant. Weapons gleamed like the finest jewels and conversations streamed through the air carefree.

"Quite something." The immortal noted softly.

"Indeed." I responded, keeping my eyes fixed on one of Lukon's men currently pickpocketing a mercenary below. 

I smirked watching him deftly swipe away a dagger and coin pouch with half a thought. The mercenaries continued to sharpen blades and look intimidating. I always loved watching how a thin wisp of a man could swindle a thick muscled simpleton. It had taught me a valuable lesson about survival. The muscle in your head needed to be exercised just as much as the ones in your arms.  

"Quite easy to see how the leader of thieves does so well in this city." She said dryly.

I wasn't surprised she followed my stare. I turned to her with a smile.

"Having skilled competition makes this city more fun."

I left her standing there with a raised brow and moved towards the one door we hadn't yet opened.

"Thank the gods..." I groaned.

"What is it!' Kaden shouted from the bed.

"Must be a whore house in our very room for that kind of joy." John snickered behind me.

Their heads popped up behind my shoulders and they too took in breaths.

"A damn bathing house?! Odin's beard, Xerxes must be bringing in more gold than the king!" Kaden rumbled as he pushed past me to get a better view of the giant stone bath set into the floor.

In fact the whole room was made of stone—as if we had stepped into another building entirely. It was empty now of course but I was sure Xerxes had staff on hand that could fill and heat it should we request it.

"Oh the fun we shall have in here..." Kaden said with a devilish smirk and eyebrow waggle.

John moved into the room too and cast his gaze around the luxurious space.

"You could seat eight people at least." He said with a thoughtful expression, looking down at the deep set stone bath.

Reading the promise in John's brown eyes, I intervened. "No one enters our chambers but us. Are we clear?" I demanded with a flat look.

The Mercenary's Valkyrie: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now