The Gift

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We met the walls of Ravensbrooke when night had begun to surround us. Lanterns glowed a warm orange at street corners and candles warmed the inside of windows.

We led Parsnip and John's mount straight to the stables for a thorough wash and feeding. We tipped the stable boy heavily. Then we all took the short walk back to our home in the centre of town. 

I shoved in the key and pushed the heavy wooden door open without delay.

I heard the rest of our group follow in but I only had one thing on my mind. I collapsed onto my coarse and uncomfortable single bed. But it was heaven as of now. Just as my eyes drifted closed I heard Kaden clear his throat.

"Gold is still safe."

"Fantastic." I mumbled into the pillow.

"Do not sleep on us yet woman. We still have riches to spend on ale and whores!" John called from the kitchen. I had no idea where the Valkyrie had decided to stand but I didn't have the energy to open an eye to check.

I groaned and rolled onto my side so my back faced them.

After a moment of shuffling and noise Kaden spoke. "I need a drink now. Who agrees?"

"Obviously." John said through a mouthful of something.

"Tayah? Dare I–"

"Don't dare. Leave already." I muttered over my shoulder.

The boys snorted before I heard their footsteps retreat towards the door.

"And no whores in the house!" I called after them.

"Just wenches then!" John called back before letting the door slam, effectively cutting off the conversation. I groaned again and rolled so that I was back on my back.

"Your wound bleeds."

I flinched out of my skin. I had forgotten the immortal's presence. My eyes flashed over to see her sat on the small wooden table with a hand propped under her chin. It was such a domestic pose I smiled.

"Hardly the reaction suitable... Did you also injure your head?" She asked with a frown.

I shook my head. "No, it's just for a moment you... looked so human." I said honestly.

Her eyebrows raised. Then she shook her head and her eyes were analysing my arm across the room. "Where do you keep your salves and medicines?"

I frowned. "How would you know it bleeds. You cannot even see it under my leathers."

"I can smell it." She stated with a frown. "The meds where are they?" She said impatiently.

"Under John's bed." I flicked a hand over to the other bed across from my own. "But I'm quite fine. I just need rest."

"Actually, your body would like unconsciousness because you have lost so much blood. Your mind is now making the easiest decisions available and they are idiotic." She informed me calmly.

I frowned at her but couldn't generate my normal snappy comeback. I simply did not have the energy--damn the gods she was right. Hardly like myself at all.

"John–Kaden, they too could–"

"No, their wounds did not reopen like yours has because they were not crushing the reins in their grip the entire journey back to Ravensbrooke." She finished for me.

"Quite observant aren't you..." I mumbled, closing my eyes again.

"Do not close your eyes." She ordered from near me. I think she spoke again but I couldn't catch it. It was like being slowly submerged under water.

The Mercenary's Valkyrie: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now