Us Against The Realm

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I awoke to find John and Kaden staring at me like I'd grown another head.

Groggy, I rose slowly to my elbows and stared them both down.

"What in gods are you buffoons staring at."

"A mortal that made an immortal bleed." John snorted.

"Pfft." I puffed in exasperation. "Hardly so when she gives one her power as an immortal."

"You were but wind and shadow Tayah! Truly I have never seen anything such as that." Kaden rumbled, crushing his knuckles together with snaps.

"The tree speaks true. I have carved my own name into a dozen sailors' blades in the last few slithers!" John said winking. 

I palmed my face at the same moment Kaden did.

"What was it like?" Kaden suddenly asked animated.

I removed my hand and frowned at him.


"Using immortal power in a fight of course!" He boomed with a laugh.

Oh. Yes. Not exactly the expected... I remembered the feeling of coldness and dark. The lack of control and fear that had sunk its claws into my very soul. The burning...

"It was... an experience."

John rolled his eyes.

"I have seen you move with fluidity gained from practice Tay, but the speed you showed..." He sighed and raked a hand through his dark brown locks. "—that was something else entirely."

Instead of answering them I swung my feet over the edge of the bed. The Valkyrie's bed. I froze.

"You decide to have this conversation in the demi-god's chambers?" I hissed at them both.

They looked at each other before speaking.

"The demi-god was the one that requested us."

I paused. Looking at them both intently I saw that they were serious.

"She mumbled something of the drain the power would have on you..." Kaden said with a dismissive wave. "Probably just nursing her own wounds."

"Immortal's and their immortal egos." John started with a grin at Kaden.

I sighed and made to move from the bed but my head had other ideas and spun the very room before me. I sat back on the bed before I could lose consciousness. 

"Tayah?" Kaden said with slight concern.

"Fine." I muttered, pressing a hand to my temple. Gods, I have had a steadier mind after two casks of wine.

"Be still little lion." John said to me as he pushed me carefully back to the bed. "We will graciously accept all admiration and adoration for thee. No matter how enthusiastic the—"

Kaden thumped John across the head effectively shutting him up.

"Can always rely on you, Kaden." I said with a small smile.

He tipped me a nod.

"One of these days I'm going to fell those logs attached to your body, Naferion." John growled, rubbing the back of his head.

Kaden snorted and grabbed John around the neck with a thick arm. He rubbed his hair vigorously to John's sheer rage.

"Let that be known as the day John Keavesmith is crushed by the very tree he sought to slay." He cooed down at John.

The Mercenary's Valkyrie: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now