Jewelled Heart

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- It's been eons... let's pick up where we left off, shall we?  -

The sun was beating us all into stifling submission. Well, all other than a Valkyrie that shamelessly wore her dark hooded cloak every step of the way.

With full saddlebags and holstered weapons we made our way through the white washed archways of what looked to be... an inn? We were familiar with sturdy, humble structures that showed their war wounds from battling the cold.

This was... not quite the same image.

Plush rugs of rich crimson lined the marble floors. Wispy, thin curtains drifted in the large open windows and there seemed to be a water feature of sorts every ten paces. Was it merchants that supplied this continent with wealth? Gold mines perhaps? Or did it just rise from the dust in chiselled perfection and mortals just happened upon it one span...

"I said inn, Tay, not paladin's damn palace." Kaden grunted as he shifted a gold-filled saddlebag and flickered his eyes around in disgust.

"Kaden, in case your eyes haven't lifted higher than your stomach, the entire city is riddled with buildings such as this." I huffed as I kept up our fast stride, my boots near silent on the soft rugs. "Perhaps you would be more suited to the stables." I added, keeping my eyes ahead as we neared the front hall.

But, I didn't miss the immortal's wicked smirk at the mention of it, despite that hood of hers.

"Does that not sound wonderful, my vertically established man?" John cooed over my shoulder. "They could have you watered and provide you the good season's hay–"

I let their nonsense continue as I stopped before a vintaged man with long white hair and a strange thick glass propped before his eye. I waited another few heartbeats before I announced our already obvious presence.

"Excuse me–"

"You are not excused." The man interrupted me calmly without talking his eyes off of the papers before him on the desk.

I scoffed at his demeaning air. I felt the Valkyrie focus more intently beside me. The men were clearly as put off because they dumped their bags audibly and crossed their arms in unison like pair of swords for hire. It almost made me crack a smile.

I cleared my throat and levelled the human goat before me.

"We merely wish for two rooms–"

This made him lift his eyes in exaggerated boredom. They flickered over all of us in seconds and he seemed to make deductions and conclusions in even less time.

"Then you may have two rooms. Second floor. Two gold pieces each span you stay. Take the right staircase. Leave your bags they will be brought to you. Any other riveting questions, please leave for the bell boy." He drawled out in a slow way that somehow seemed brisk.

My mouth hung open slightly, as did the men. The immortal had started smiling fondly at the man however. He had absolutely no suspicion, no prying questions and simply no interest in any of us whatsoever.

I felt damn right insulted. I wanted to stab an immortal blade into his neat stack of papers and show him how truly thrilling–

The Mercenary's Valkyrie: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now