Much To Learn

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Instead of taking her seat once more, the blue eyed captain gestured to the large doors the Valkyrie had stormed out of. I frowned but turned towards it. 

My mind was a mess of thoughts surrounding my decision to stay. But I felt that this woman—this immortal—would give me answers fearlessly and freely. I felt like she was unbiased because she no longer had ties to Odin. Either that or she would likely try to manipulate me for her own gain as she had done as a mortal... but I had the confidence I would be able to sense such.

The doors were suddenly swept back by two muscled sailors and they dropped us bow in respect. That was another matter... what did her crew make of her ceaseless age. Did they think her some sort of witch or—

"You may ask me anything you would like, Tayah. Unlike some, I feel you deserve every truth you can get from one who has experienced immortality." She murmured as she stepped up beside me and smoothly linked her silken arm through mine.

I glanced down at it and gulped as we passed through the doors.

"I do have a few questions." I allowed in a low voice.

She chuckled as we walked leisurely down the candlelit hallway with its decadent paintings and wall hangings. She caught me glancing at them and smiled.

"I have an affinity for collecting memorabilia where my travels take us." She pointed at a gleaming gold staff, with a strange violet gem the size of a fist embedded within in.

"That was owned by the Prince of the Kartarian Dunes. They are in the deepest south of Zanos and will steal the very breath from your lungs on a good span. However, the prince traded slaves more than sacks of grain within his walls. His enemies grew to outnumber his buyers and we ended up on the conquering side." She said nonchalant as we passed it.

I stared at her in shock.

"Slavery is outlawed."

She laughed lightly and squeezed the arm that linked us.

"Oh, my dear, you inhabit a bubble I am afraid. The continent of Zanos abides by a very different set of laws." She said the last word ironically with a smirk.

I shook my head at the thought. What a hideous way to live. Off the expense of others... At least we tended to kill cut throats and corrupt royal dogs for our gain.

"What about that one?" I asked, as I glanced at a detailed painting of an expansive, snow peaked mountain range. A forest sprawled out below it and a vast stone castle was nestled further below with many crimson coloured soldiers laying siege to it. 

"Quite the story for one painting, I agree." She mused as she looked intently at it. "I did not partake in the siege but I did weaponise the conquerers. They usurped an imbalance in power and if I am being truly honest... the family that ruled Yulia just grew too comfortable. Who am I to stop other mortals with greater ambitions and intentions from overthrowing such mediocre rulers?"

"You do not seem to..." I collected my thoughts to avoid insulting, "You seem very impartial when it comes to changing the course of history." I finished in slight awe.

The woman quiet literally overthrew royalty and lords like she were discarding old clothes. Of course not without the memorabilia...

She grinned down at me.

"You disapprove of me, Tayah?" She asked curiously.

"No I—it's actually just quite a novelty. Usually there are agendas for such actions other than to take away a few souvenirs."

The Mercenary's Valkyrie: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now