Chapter Three

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Severus woke before Remus, and instantly stretched out his arms and legs in an attempt to get his blood circulating again. He showered and got dressed, admiring the blue and bronze badge on his long black cloak (no difference there), and pleased at the change after too many years of green and silver. He packed his ragged satchel for the day, with several more advanced books as he was certain he'd bore rather quickly. Severus practised a few simple spells he remembered from his days as a first-year, and then waited, more patient than usual, for Lupin to wake.

"Can you remember the way down to the Great Hall?" Remus asked, finally dressed and ready twenty minutes later. "I'm starving." His stomach gave a fearsome growl. Remus smiled apologetically.

"Of course," Severus replied. "Follow me."

And Remus followed, down too many flights of stairs to take the many shortcuts through hidden passageways that lurked menacingly behind tapestries.

They arrived in the Great Hall rather earlier than most, although Lily was already there. Severus went over to say hello, with Remus tagging along behind.

"How are you enjoying Ravenclaw?" Lily questioned, a familiar sparkle in her eyes. "Gryffindor's fantastic; everybody's so supportive and friendly."

"Ravenclaw's good," Severus answered, with Remus nodding. "Has Mi... Professor McGonagall told you what you have first? We might have it together," he added, knowing full well that Gryffindor had the majority of their lessons with Slytherin and that the chances were consequently slim. And he'd come so close to calling the professor Minnie, his favourite nickname for her. It had always caused a small smile to grace her face.

"No," Lily replied, looking round. "I think we get them after breakfast."

A pretty, brown-haired girl sat down opposite Lily.

"And I imposing on anything?" She asked with a giggle, batting her eyelashes at Severus.

"No, Anna," Lily sighed, grateful that Severus didn't give her roommate a second glance. "Severus, Remus, this is Anna Brown."

"Greetings," Severus said rather distantly, his eyes still locked with Lily's. He couldn't care less for the irksome ancestor of 'Lav-Lav' Brown. He'd overheard Harry Potter once calling the girl that and had to say it stuck well. Maybe Anna could be 'Ann-Ann'.

"Hello," Remus voiced, slightly shakily. Severus could tell that he was a bit overwhelmed with Anna's beauty. He stepped in.

"It was nice to meet you Anna," Severus announced, looking the girl straight in the eye for the first time. Anna blushed. "Lily, I'll see you round." He tucked one of her stray red locks behind her ear and left with Lupin in tow. Both Lily and Anna were as beetroot-coloured as Lily's hair.

"You've got a good relationship with Lily," Lupin remarked as they sat down at the Ravenclaw table. "Did you know each other before or something?"

"I've known her since I was nine," Severus replied stiffly. Twenty-nine years he'd known of her, but only twelve she'd been alive. "I live near her, and we met at the park one day." He certainly hadn't been spying. "I told her she was a witch," he added.

"She's Muggleborn?" Remus looked slightly surprised. He wouldn't have expected high-and-mighty Severus to consort with them.

Severus... Reformed / SNILY (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now