Chapter Fifty-One

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Rosier, Mulciber and Avery didn't take long to strike. A sensible person would stay surrounded by others but, if there were dangerous wizards involved, actual Death Eaters, as Severus had considered, he did not want anybody else to be harmed. He chose instead to take Lily up the Astronomy Tower on a night the moon was full, with two intentions in mind. The first was the former– saving others from the wrath of the wannabe Death Eaters. The second was to prevent Lily from worrying over Lupin's absence, as the boy would be wreaking havoc in the Shrieking Shack by nightfall.

Regulus had refused to reveal anything else about the Slytherins' plans and pretended to ignore the threat looming ever closer. He did not want his housemates to learn of his betrayal and hoped that Severus would play his part well.

"Don't worry, Black," Severus had sighed, when he'd voiced his concerns. "My acting skills are better than you know. They shall not know your part in aiding me."

The Slytherin had been partly relieved, as his primary fear had been for himself, not Snape. However, a tiny portion of his brain wondered if he could've done more to prevent the attack in the first place.


Lily would try hard not to admit it, but she had been delighted to receive Severus' invite to a night on the Astronomy Tower. Despite being pretty certain that it was against the rules, Lily knew Severus would have something up his sleeve. Severus would never get caught. In addition, Lily was pleased to see Severus without the perpetual presence of Remus. While she liked the boy and had no problems with him, she never really had any alone time with Severus anymore. Her friend refused to show emotions in front of anybody except her and so, with Remus there, she didn't get to see what Severus was actually feeling.


Severus didn't have a plan. Did he ever have a plan, he questioned himself, sighing. He certainly hadn't planned to be bitten by Nagini in the Shrieking Shack, regardless of the fact he'd guessed that would be his fate, there and then. His thoughts, this time, were that hopefully the three Slytherins wouldn't be too hard an opposition. Obviously, there was always the chance that Malfoy had returned to join them, but Severus doubted it. He wasn't that important an asset.

He met Lily at ten to seven outside the Gryffindor common room, eager to spend time with his friend despite knowing their night would be cut short.

"Hello Severus," Lily beamed brightly as she stepped out into the corridor.

"Lily," he nodded. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," she grinned. "Imagine how the stars will look!"

"Like your eyes, I'm sure," Severus stated solemnly.

Lily chuckled.

"Don't insult the stars, Severus!" She exclaimed.

"You shouldn't joke about two perfect things," Severus commented.

"What, the stars and you?" She questioned.

Severus tutted. Lily smiled at him, and opened her mouth again.

"The stars will outshine everything tonight."


Lily and Severus enjoyed at least twenty minutes of contented stargazing, sitting in silence. Lily's head had slipped onto Severus' shoulder at some point, and he knew that, if the Slytherins didn't arrive soon, she might nod off.

"Ah, here are our two lovebirds!"

Severus rolled his eyes – the enemy had made their appearance.

Lily jumped immediately to her feet, blushing, but her embarrassment soon turned to anxiety as she saw the three other second-years take out their wands. Severus got more sedately to his feet.

"Why are you not surprised, Snape?" Rosier asked as the ringleader.

"Most would know that revealing shock is a weakness, Rosier," he replied steadily.

Rosier sneered.

"I am not most people."

"No, you're not," Severus agreed. "You are one of the few complete imbeciles in this castle."

The boy gave a roar of rage and brandished his wand, sending a hex at Severus, which the other easily avoided.

"You'll have to try better than that," Severus said quietly. "Otherwise I might just... walk away."

Lily eyed the four of them with scared eyes. Almost as if they could read each other's minds, Rosier, Avery and Mulciber all began attacking. Severus parried them all with admirable quality, and Lily now joined in; sending hexes herself as Severus defended the two of them.

"You and that Mudblood shouldn't have been allowed into this school," jibed Avery. "Spreading the stench of half-bloods and Mudbloods alike – it shouldn't be allowed."

"Surely it can't be too much to ask for you to think of a synonym for 'allowed'?" Severus inquired idly. "Would 'permitted' suffice?"

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Rosier yelled. "Enough of your insolence!"

"Ooh," exclaimed Severus, "a long word. Whatever will you come up with next?"


The sky was lit up by a harsh light and, in the distance, a werewolf began to howl.


A.N. It's bad, I know. *sigh* This is certainly the first chapter I'll head to when I get round to more editing. I just thought you guys deserved a chapter, and this was all I could think of. At least you'll get the gist of the plot.

This chapter is pretty much dedicated to @TraceyYoung4 and @hogwartsforlyfeee - new readers always get my attention. Thank you, guys! :)

'I might just walk away' is loosely based on the BBC version of Sherlock. Anyone remember that scene?

Urgh, I give up. Thank you for everything, loyal readers and, as always, please comment! Please??

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