Chapter Thirty-Seven

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After that first week, time sped by for the Hogwarts' students. Severus continued to tutor Maisie in Potions, but her performance in other classes was getting better, and she was the second-best to even he in History of Magic. She had also begun hanging out with Francesca Rowle and Madeleine Selwyn, and it was announced that Francesca had even invited her to spend the Christmas holidays with her family.

"She's really very nice," Maisie told Lily whilst she, Lily and Severus worked in the library. "She's a Half-Blood, like me, and her parents don't have stupid ideals. I think," she appeared suddenly nervous, "that Francesca is trying to get out from under Madeleine's wing. Madeleine is just as kind as Francesca, but she's a lot cleverer, and that makes her seem superior. She can be quite patronising at times."

"I think," mused Severus, "that Madeleine would get on extremely well with Natalie. You should try and get them to become friends. Natalie would easily cure Madeleine's superiority. She has three elder cousins, and so she knows how to battle against supremacy. Also, she's only really friends with you, the Hufflepuffs, Lily and Alice. Betty and Berenice find her boring, and so does Millie."

"What about Deirdre?" Asked Lily. "Deidre Spinnet? She's friends with both Francesca and Madeleine."

Severus shrugged. "Emily, Jane and Selena are all very accepting."

"We should probably talk to Natalie, then," Lily suggested. "She's too smart not to work out what's going on."

"I can talk to her," offered Severus. "She had some Charms work she wanted me to check over for her. Remus told me to remind you about that practising of the match to needle Transfiguration in the last classroom on the third floor," he added. "He's meant to be meeting you around about now."

"Oh, gosh, I forgot about that," said Lily, getting up hurriedly, and shoving a few books back on their shelves. "See you later, Sev, Maisie."

"You've really got the hang of this," Severus told Maisie appreciatively, once Lily had left. "You did a lot of work over the summer."

Maisie looked pleased. "I worked very hard to remember all the different ingredients in each potion," she said. "I'm glad you decided to help me."

"It was no problem," Severus replied selflessly.

"But, there are lots of older students getting you to tutor them, I know," Maisie stated anxiously. "Are you sure you can cope?"

"Of course I can," smiled Severus. "Well, I'd best talk to Natalie now. See you in the common room," and he, too, left.

Maisie stayed sitting there for a while, considering Lily's best friend. She supposed she should call him her own friend by now too, but he always remained so distant. It wouldn't be helped by the studying sessions he would have to be organising soon.. While he had a vast amount of free time currently, she knew that the fifth and seventh years would be clamouring to get on his tutoring schedule at some point in the near future and, after all, he was only human. Not even Severus Snape could be in two places at the same time.


Severus found Natalie reading in their common room. She looked up when he entered.

"Hello Severus," she said, surprised. He wasn't often to be seen in the common room. She never really knew where he was; he was such a master of disappearance.

"Natalie," he nodded. "I'm actually here to give you a heads-up instead of checking over your Charms work."


"Maisie wants to get Francesca Rowle out from under Madeleine Selwyn's wing, and I thought you would be an adequate companion for Selwyn," he stated.

"I'm honoured," Natalie said drily. "Choosing my friends for me, Severus?"

"Of course not," Severus snapped. "Neither you nor Madeleine are dim, and I considered her to be a good ally of yours if you so choose."

"I would thank you not to interfere with my personal life, Severus," answered Madeleine, just as vehemently, and strode off to her dormitory. Severus shrugged, and left the common room, unaware of the eyes that followed his movement.


It was common news by the next day that Natalie Prewett was going out with Severus Snape. Girls in all years discussed this recent pairing, as Snape really was, by and large, one of the only boys in the school who had the amazing luck of being both extremely clever and handsome. Both Remus and Lily had got this news second-hand whilst studying for Transfiguration in an empty classroom. Anna Brown was the one who found them.

"Lily, have you heard the news?" She asked excitedly.

Lily shook her head.

"Severus just asked Natalie Prewett out! Can you imagine? I thought it would be you."

Lily simply stared, gobsmacked, at the other girl.

"Oh, you didn't know then?" Anna looked slightly hesitant. Remus glared at her.

"Obviously not," he retorted, giving her a glance that asked her to leave, before he made her.

Lily was now staring at her hands in undisguised shock.

"Lily, are you okay?" Remus inquired anxiously.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be fine?" Lily demanded, her voice falsely bright.

"Well, it's, er, Severus, and, er, you are rather_"

"Rather what?"

Remus winced at the harshness of her tone.

"Rather close?" He almost whispered.

Lily got up promptly and, whipping her hair around as to slap Remus in the face, left the room.


A.N. I think I'll leave you all to your deductions on this one; it'll be interesting to see what you all come up with. 

Thank you for reading and PLEASE COMMENT. XD

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