Chapter Sixteen

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Severus met Lily in the Entrance Hall as soon as the carriages pulled in. He gave a shudder to see the skeletal Thestrals. It wasn't that he disliked the creatures – they were interesting enough and fairly gentle – but he hated what they stood for. You could only see them if you'd seen death. It wasn't a pleasant thought. Especially with the amount of deaths he'd seen.

"You alright?" Lily asked carefully, noticing his shiver. "It's a bit cold with the door open, isn't it?"

"Yes," Severus replied. "Where should we go? Madam Pince will kick us out if we talk in her precious library."

"Hagrid's?" Lily suggested. "I haven't spoken to him for ages!"

"Very well," said Severus, stuffing his hands in his cloak pockets. The half-giant wasn't his favourite person in the world: no idiot ever was. But, he had to admit, the oaf was good company and had helped him through difficult moments in the past.


The journey down to Hagrid's was slippery with ice, and Lily often grabbed at his sleeve to regain her balance. In the end, he simply took her by the hand and graciously handed her down every step to the groundskeeper's hut.

"Thank you, Severus," Lily blushed.

"You're welcome, milady." Severus bowed. "I couldn't have you knocking me down every two seconds."

"Hey!" Lily's playful shove sent the svelte Severus to the ground.

"Ouch," Severus muttered. Lily helped him back to his feet.

"Well, look at you, Sir Clumsalot," Lily giggled and tapped on Hagrid's door.

Hagrid answered immediately, his bushy hair filling the door-frame. Severus suspected that the Keeper of Keys had been awaiting them.

"Lily, Severus!" The man said gruffly. "Come in."

Severus and Lily took one large seat between them. Hagrid went to put the kettle on.

"Tea?" He asked.

"Ooh, yes please!" Lily asked eagerly.

"No, thank you," Severus answered coolly. "Coffee's my drink."

The half-giant gave him a shrewd look.

"Ain't coffee a bit grown-up for the likes of you?"

"Of course not," Severus responded icily.

"Lighten up, Sev!" Lily insisted. "Hagrid wasn't trying to offend you... I don't think," she added hastily as Hagrid winked at her.

"Fine," Severus grumbled.


Hagrid and Lily nattered on for a good hour, covering all topics under then sun; that is, Christmas and gardening.

"And Severus bought me the most wonderful present!" Lily gushed. Severus blushed red.

"It wasn't," he protested. "Your parents bought you that lovely bracelet."

"What was it?" Hagrid asked.

Severus took a deep breath.

"It was this."

He leant towards Lily and gently brushed her long red hair aside. There on her chest was a silver necklace, and its tiny charm was a lily, a pearly white flower.

"It's beautiful," sighed Lily happily, unconsciously resting slightly on Severus' still-outstretched hand. He slowly retracted it and she leant back, embarrassed.

"Nothing compared to yours," he said honestly.

"Really?" Lily's voice was full of hope.

"It was the nicest gift anyone's ever given me," Severus told her.

Lily had given him a copy of Advanced Potion-Making by Libatius Borage. It was the same edition he'd scribbled dark curses in before, in his previous life. Lily had given him that copy then as well so technically it was a completely unoriginal gift. But, to Severus, it meant a great deal. And before he zoned out of the eager goodbye Lily was giving Hagrid (as if it were a farewell), he thought about the book, and about the fresh start he could make by filling it with healing incantations and antidotes. After all, it had saved both Ronald Weasley's and Draco Malfoy's lives to have just two written it. How many could he save with hundreds of similar spells? Who knew?


A.N. I promised ObskurerName that this chapter would be up tonight and... here it is! This chapter is dedicated to (surprise, surprise!) ObskurerName for his/her lovely comments and for voting. I hope it continues! :)

Thank you for reading! Please comment!

Severus... Reformed / SNILY (COMPLETE)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora