Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was late evening by the time Mark pulled up to the Evanses' house. Rose was humming along to the radio, Petunia was scowling at the sight of Lily fast asleep on Severus' shoulder, and Severus himself had been transfixed by the view of familiar places out of his car window. It had been some time since he'd seen them.

"If you wake Lily up, Severus, I'll drive you back," Mark said, looking in the rear-view mirror.

"I wouldn't want you to go to all the effort," Severus assured.

"As a responsible adult, I am more than happy to drop you home." Lily's father seemed to be considering having a word with Severus' parents when he did it, as well, or so Severus could see through Legilimency.

"As a responsible child," Severus responded, "I am more than capable of making my way home, saving you the hassle and bother it would cause. Thank you for the lift, Mr Evans. Please tell Lily that I'll see her tomorrow."

And Severus opened the car door and stepped out.


Lily was disappointed to have missed Severus before he left. She wished that he'd woken her up, given her a proper goodbye. A small fervent part of her had hoped that there would be a romantic goodbye on the porch, and a heartfelt promise to return daily. But, that was the side of her that half-believed that Severus could feel human emotions, and the other side was currently ruling against.

She rested her forehead against the cool glass of her window. It was good to be home. It was wonderful to see her family after so long, even Petunia, and she hoped that her parents had planned many family activities for them to do together. If only Petunia didn't spoil it. Tuney was obviously jealous – after all, why else had she sent that letter to Dumbledore? Lily hoped to set aside her differences with her older sister, if only if it meant that Severus could be spared all the cruel remarks that came from Tuney.

Lily wondered where the dark-haired boy was now. She knew it was near to a two-hour journey walking, as she'd once run there, and the streets would be dark. Severus' neighbourhood was creepy at the best of times, but at night? He should be nearly home, she supposed. And, he'd been living there for twelve years. He knew his way around Spinners End. She would see him tomorrow and everything would be fine again. It almost felt like she couldn't bear being parted from him, even though she'd spent more time this year with Alice and Mary than Severus. Maybe she wanted them to be joined at the hip again. Maybe she wanted to be in his company more. All she knew was that she wanted to see him tomorrow, and tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.


Severus was particularly determined when it came to harsh conditions. It was a bitterly cold night, surprisingly for July, yet he was used to that. His cloak kept him warm, and though his fingers slowly turned blue, he was immune to the pain. He knew that it would have been a lot easier to take Mark Evans up on his offer, but Severus wasn't one to accept help. He was proud, sometimes too proud. It had always been his downfall.

The time was gone eleven, Severus guessed, when he arrived at the battered door of his parents' house. The blinds were drawn, the door was mercifully shut and there was no sound of any arguing, thank Merlin. Then Severus remembered. His father had stopped shouting at Eileen Snape when he'd realised she wouldn't shout back. His mother spent her final few years in a world entirely of her own, blissfully unaware of the insults rained down on her.

And this was why Severus was cautious in entering the house. Although his mother wouldn't notice, and would either have made it up to bed or was still sat in her usual rocking chair, his father could be around downstairs, and it wouldn't do to be caught by him.

He tiptoed into the kitchen and almost gasped when he saw his mother: after almost twenty-five years, she was still sitting in the same chair, eyes staring blankly ahead, hair matted and eyes wild. Her knuckles were tensed on the table surface.

"Mother?" Severus spoke quietly, careful not to frighten her. His mother heard voices in her head sometimes and couldn't differentiate between what was real and what was a lie. He neared her, and tentatively put his hand on top of hers. "Do you... recognise me?"

"Se-wer-wus," the woman laughed and then smiled. "Of course I recognise you! Did you think I would have forgotten who my son is?"

"Yes," Severus muttered to the ceiling, but Eileen was no longer listening. She stroked his hand and looked up at him lovingly.

"You know, I have a son," she informed him matter-of-factly. "He's brilliant, absolutely brilliant, and so very mature. I often wonder..."

She seemed to have zoned out again. Severus gently helped the frail woman to her feet, and together they processed up the stairs and into the master bedroom, where Severus helped his mother into bed. His father was nowhere to be seen.

"Goodnight, Mother," he whispered, and kissed her on the forehead, before silently slipping away.


A.N. This chapter contained a rare insight into Lily's point of view. Does she love our darling Sev, or is it just infatuation? Find out in a bit!

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