Chapter Twenty-Two

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Remus turned up in the early evening.

"Fancy seeing you here, Severus," he said drily. "As if I expected you to be anywhere else."

Severus, sitting upright in his designated bed in the Hospital Wing, gave the boy a dark look.

"Ask Madam Pomfrey if I can leave," he pleaded. "I've never been so bored in my life."

Remus returned his look and went to ask. When he returned, he shook his head.

"That woman is very protective," he stated. "I don't think she believes you'll survive dinner. But she said I could bring some up here."

"I suppose that's an agreeable alternative," Severus grumbled. Remus' footsteps receded into the distance even as he found himself drifting off.


Severus was awoken by Remus' cruel pinch and the smell of roast chicken.

"That is yours, I take it?" He asked, without opening his eyes.

He felt a slight shudder. The boy had clearly jumped, not thinking that Severus was awake. Severus opened his eyes with an evil smile.

"Yes, it is. This," he waved a dish under his nose, "is yours."

It was quiche containing spinach and cheese. The aroma was mouth-watering.

"Mmm," he hummed happily.

"I thought you'd like it," Remus said. "The other option was omelette. With tomatoes and potatoes."

Severus grimaced.

"That shouldn't even be a thing."

"I know."

At that minute, Lily burst through the double doors.

"Sev!" She exclaimed. "Are you alright?" She dragged a chair over and plopped herself down on it.

"Perfectly," replied Severus. "Only Mother Matron wouldn't let me leave."

Lily giggled.

"She has a name, you know," she said seriously. "Oh, by the way, you missed the Herbology exam. Professor Dumbledore has let you skip that one."

"Interfering wizard," he grumbled.

"He's looking out for you," Lily insisted.

"I'll ask Professor Sprout to overrule him," Severus decided. "And I'll do it right now." He made to get out of bed but Lily stopped him.

"No, you won't. Remus and I will go, and you, will stay here like the nurse ordered."

Severus glared at her. She stared back, just as hard, surprising him.

"Lily's been working on her scowling," Remus informed him. "I think she's going to challenge you to a glaring contest or something like that."

Severus gave them both a foul look.

"No-one can beat Severus Snape when it comes to glaring. Not even James Potter."

"You know, you shouldn't refer to yourself in the third person. It's the first sign of madness."


A.N. Who said the last line, do you think? The sarcastic Remus or the vivacious Lily?

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