Chapter Thirty-Three

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This year, only Rose went with Lily and Severus to King's Cross. Mark had had an urgent meeting to get to, and Petunia was enjoying herself at a friend's house. After four and a half hours of reasonable traffic and dull scenery, they arrived at the station.

"Here we are then," Rose said, smiling, once they had passed through the magical barrier to platform 9 and ¾.

"Here we are," agreed Lily. She hugged her mother tenderly. "See you at Christmas."

Next, Rose turned to Severus.

"And we'll see you at Christmas, Severus dear," Rose stated sternly.

Severus was shocked, as she folded him into a warm embrace.

"Mrs Evans?" He asked confused. The woman laughed.

"Severus, it's Rose. And yes, you are staying with us for Christmas, if your parents will permit it." She gave him a questioning glance, to which he shrugged. His parents didn't need to know.

"I'd be honoured, Mrs_ Rose."

"That's decided, then." The woman pushed the two of them towards the train. "Go on, then. School awaits!"

"Bye, Mum!" Lily laughed, waving as she skipped onto the train. Severus followed more sedately, allowing himself one childish gesture in Rose's direction.


Severus found the last compartment empty and ushered Lily in. He would allow Remus to sit with them if he wanted to, and perhaps one or two others from Lily's friendship group, but no more. He wasn't that sociable.

Surprisingly enough, Severus noted drily, Potter found them first. He was with his cronies Black and Pettigrew, and he seemed to have gained a few inches over the summer. This put him just above the height of Severus, but this didn't perturb him in the slightest.

"Greetings god-awful Gryffindor," Lily said drily, curtseying as Severus bowed. Potter scowled.

"Why are you still here, Mudblood?" The boy sneered rudely. Instantly, Severus had him pressed against the wall with Severus' wand at his throat.

"Don't you dare_" He spat, "_call Lily that name!"

Lily, confused, but obviously understanding the tone of voice, burst into tears and ran out into the corridor. Severus lowered his wand, dislike evident on his face.

"You're lucky that I prize Lily over you," he said quietly, and left without another word, leaving Potter standing there alone.


Severus found Remus in his hunt for Lily.

"Hello, Severus," the werewolf said amicably, stopping before him.

"Have you seen_?"

"Yes," Remus replied without preamble. "She's currently being comforted by Alice. The compartment five from the front. I'll see you there once I've found Jason."


"Yes." Remus looked bored. "Something about hair gel, I gather."

Severus nodded sympathetically. "O'Flaherty's."

"Well, anyway..." Remus walked off, and Severus continued to Alice Longbottom's carriage.


Lily had stopped crying by the time Severus entered the compartment, but her eyes were red, she was facing away from the rest of five girls, and she let out the occasional snivel now and again. There was a general lull in conversation as Severus made his way over to Lily and sat down next to her. Alice immediately began talking loudly to block out whatever Severus was about to say to Lily, and he sent her a grateful look.

"Lily?" He asked tentatively. He let his fingers touch the edge of her hand, there to comfort her if she needed it.

"What does it mean, Sev?" Lily questioned furiously, her hand sliding into his. "What does that word mean?"

Severus was taken aback. "Well, er..."

"The truth, Sev."

Severus sighed. He hoped it would have been longer before he'd have to explain the meaning of blood purity to Lily.

"You know there are purebloods, half-bloods, and Muggleborns?" She nodded. "Well, purebloods like Potter, and certain half-bloods, are under the misapprehension that Muggleborns, being descended from Muggles, have less magical talent, and are therefore less worthy," he explained. "For millennia, pure-bloods have interbred to maintain a 'pure' bloodline. However, no wizarding family now can claim to be entirely pure – at least one Muggle has wormed their way in somewhere. Also, the interbreeding can create defects, and this is the probable cause of squibs such as Apollyon Pringle and... your sister."

"Tuney's a squib?" Lily was surprised. "What does that mean?"

"It means that she has a magical core, but it itself is too weak to allow the actual use of that magic; so, outwardly, she appears a Muggle, when, really, she is magical, just less so than yourself." Severus held Lily's gaze.

"That's terrible," Lily spoke quietly. "Surely something could be created to encourage that magic, to make it stronger?"

"I don't know," Severus mused, but inside he was thinking of various methods: a spell, maybe? Or no, a potion. A potion that could permanently strengthen a magical core. Lily, sensing Severus' inattention, reclaimed her position in Alice's discussion about boys, whether Nicholas Goldstein or Orion O'Flaherty had grown up enough for them to be potential boyfriends, and if the new DADA professor, whom Mary claimed to have seen in Diagon Alley, was handsome enough to deserve their attentions.

Not long after, Remus arrived with Maisie, having forced Macavoy to return O'Flaherty's hair gel, and perched himself opposite Severus. He and Maisie began discussing goblin wars, which Maisie had revised extensively over the summer, and just as they finished their lengthy spell on the 1752 rebellion, the train pulled into Hogsmeade Station, and everbody prepared to disembark. 


A.N. It's back to school for our merry mischief-makers, and there'll be plenty more mischief amongst other things.

I haven't actually looked up what a squib is because I don't want my theory proven wrong - if what I've put is wrong (which I think it is) then a slightly major plot detail would have to be reworked, and I don't want to do that, so....

Thank you for reading, and PLEASE COMMENT, my loyal readers!

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