Chapter Fifty-Two

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A.N. Just as a heads up, I've decided that Dumbledore shouldn't know about Severus' Death Eater past. Therefore if you go back to the chapter where Severus tells Dumbledore everything, I've edited it so that Severus actually omits his dark side.

For a split second it looked to Severus as though everybody was still and then, suddenly, he and Lily were thrown back; Lily, over the ramparts and Severus, into them. He wouldn't admit it, but he panicked. It was a long way down to the ground from the Astronomy Tower and Lily couldn't fly like he could. Ignoring the jubilant second-years behind him, he scaled the ramparts and jumped over the side.

Luckily for both Lily and Severus, she had landed on top of a window and was clinging on for dear life. Meanwhile Severus had grabbed hold of a nearby window sill and could now shout over to her.

"Severus, I'm going to fall!" She cried.

"I know," he called back.

She half-glared at him but she was scared and gradually losing the strength she needed to hold on.

"You're going to have to trust me," he shouted.

"Why? What can you do?"

Tear tracks glittered on Lily's face.

"I can fly, Lily. I can get you to safety."

Lily's eyes widened in surprise but it was short-lived because her foot slipped and she began to fall. Revealing the agility that had made him one of Voldemort's best lieutenants in the first place, Severus jumped and flew down to Lily, grabbing her in mid-flight before flying down to the ground and landing lightly on the grass. Immediately Lily's legs gave way and she sank to the ground, sobbing.

Severus lowered himself onto the ground and took Lily in his arms, hugging her close to his chest. When he looked up, warm gold eyes met his gaze and Remus padded softly closer.

"Get help," he mouthed and the great wolf nodded before running away towards the castle.


A few hours later it was morning and Severus sat in the Hospital Wing next to Lily's bed. She'd had a nasty scare and was asleep with the help of a sleeping draught. Remus was feigning sleep in a nearby bed and was covered in a few scratches. Ever since Severus had begun giving him the Wolfsbane, Remus had had to scratch himself to give the appearance of a strenuous transformation and subsequent night.

Madam Pomfrey was currently in deep conversation with Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore, no doubt debating what to do over Rosier, Avery and Mulciber. Severus didn't think Dumbledore would expel them - after all, he and Lily had lived, hadn't they? - but he'd be grateful, for Lily's sake, if they were suspended for at least a week. In the grand scheme of things, he considered that it would be better if the three Slytherins were kept at school, if only so they were kept out of Voldemort's evil machinations for longer.

"Severus," Dumbledore beckoned them over. "I think this would be a good time to tell Minerva and Poppy. They'll understand."

Both witches looked understandably confused. Severus turned slightly to Dumbledore.

"I'd rather that they see it in the Pensieve," he said blatantly.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Remus shift slightly, clearly listening, and took that as his cue to leave the three adults and join Remus despite Dumbledore's clear, non-verbal objections to this idea.

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