Chapter Sixty

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A week later Severus found himself at Remus' house with Regulus. Regulus had told his parents he was visiting a friend and had regretfully told Sirius which friend if there was an emergency. Severus had no need to sneak out; Tobias hadn't confronted him yet and was very rarely at home while Severus was there.

"So, when will you trial the potion?" Regulus asked.
"Very soon," Severus replied. "I plan on trying it this week."
"Please tell us what it is!" Remus said eagerly.
Severus only smiled.
"You'll have to wait and see."

Remus groaned and Regulus laughed.
"I've got my suspicions anyway," the Slytherin stated.
"Is that so?" Severus raised an eyebrow.
"Yes," Regulus said obstinately, "but I'm not telling you yet."
"I'd expect nothing less from you, Regulus," Severus chuckled.
Regulus smirked in response.

"Anyway, what should we do now?" Remus whined.
"Homework?" Severus and Regulus questioned at the same time.
Remus slapped his face in despair.
"Why am I friends with you two?"

Regulus pretended to think for a moment.
"Well you're clearly friends with me because of my dashing good looks," he proclaimed, running a hand through his gelled hair.
"You and Sirius are so similar," Severus said in disgust.

Regulus hit Severus.
"Unfair! I'm nothing like him!"
Severus gave him a look.
"For one thing, I've got better eyebrows!"

Remus interrupted them.
"Amusing as this is, a proper game requires three people."
"Two is just right for me," smirked Severus.
"Et moi," Regulus grinned toothily.
"Why don't you just go and sulk in the corner?" Severus suggested.

Remus got up in a huff.
"Next time you come over, Severus, I'm going to drown you in the sea."
"I'd like to see you try," Severus grinned.
"What's the bet?" Inquired Regulus cheerfully.
"Five Knuts says I win," Severus said seriously.
"You're on," Remus shook his hand.

"By Godric, you two are so poor," huffed Regulus.
"Well, Black, we make up for it in other areas," Severus told him. "I'm fiendishly brilliant."
"And I'm clever too," Remus agreed petulantly.
Regulus laughed.
"You'll never be able to pull it off, Remus."
"Oh, give off, Regulus," Regulus shoved him.


Several days later, Severus found himself at Lily's house. Lily herself answered the door.
"Oh, hi Severus!"
"I'm here to see Petunia."
"Whatever for?" Lily asked, looking hurt.
"It's important, Lils," Severus said earnestly. "And I think it'll work."
"What is it?" Lily questioned, confused, but Severus pushed past her into the house without responding.

"Ah, Petunia, the person I've been looking for," Severus exclaimed when he found her in the sitting room with her parents. "I've got a proposition for you."
"Snape?" Petunia looked up, bewildered.
"I've got a very simple explanation which I hope you can follow."

"When two Muggle parents give birth to a magical child, it's extremely interesting. A magical child from non-magical parents means only one thing - the parents (usually only one) ARE magical. However, when the supposedly non-magical parents aren't showcasing any signs of magic, there is a term for it. A Squib."

Severus paused. Mark and Rose looked confused and Petunia appeared borderline curious.
"Now, by this reasoning, you, Petunia, are a Squib too - someone with an immensely weak magical core. And, for the past few months, I've been making a potion that will strengthen magical cores."

"Like a potion in typical witch stories?" Petunia asked, not sounding discriminatory for once.
"Yes," Severus said calmly. "And I've got the potion with me. It would be incredibly useful to me if you could try it."

There was a long pause. Lily, having entered the room shortly after Severus, now gasped. Mark looked amazed and Rose emotional. Petunia didn't seem to know what to say.
"W-what if it doesn't work? Will there be side effects?"

"There is a high probability... That there are no averse side effects."
Mark and Rose heaved a sigh of relief. Lily stepped forward.
"Sev... You've been making this for months? This is the potion you've spent ages on?"

"Yes, Lily."
"Everyone deserves a chance," Severus stated, looking straight at Petunia as he did so. "And to be treated equally. Someone with a magical sibling, no matter how loving the parents, is going to feel left out."
A tear began sliding down the older girl's face and she quickly wiped it away.

Lily now looked at her sister.
"Petunia, take it," she begged. "Take it and come to Hogwarts with me."
"Why would I want that?" Petunia said snidely. "You're all freaks."
Severus gave her a sad look.
"You don't feel like a freak when you are one of them," he said softly. "I wanted you to be the first trial, as a personal favour. But I can find others who will be willing to take it_"

"I'll drink it," Petunia said suddenly. "I'll... Drink it. What's the harm?" She laughed apprehensively with no humour.
"Thank you," Severus said quietly.
He handed her a tiny vial.
"Just one big gulp."

Petunia nodded and brought the vial to her lips with shaking hands. Then, before she could change her mind, she downed it in one go.


A.N. Dun dun DUNNNN!!!!!


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