Chapter Twelve

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Severus received a warm welcome back to the Common Room, mainly from girls. They were all gushing over how brave he was to be out of the hospital so quickly and many asked if they could see the scars. To which Severus shook his head furiously and escaped to find Lupin, who'd been cornered by Poppy.

"What did you think you two were doing, leaving without my permission?" Poppy shouted. Lupin cowered before her, the law-abiding fool that he was. Severus shrugged and began stalking off. He'd long bypassed children's games. Poppy stopped him. "I may not be a teacher, Mr Snape, but I deserve the same respect. Don't walk out on me!" He could understand her anger; he really could. His own behaviour reminded him of stupid Harry Potter.

"Fine." Severus stormed back. "I apologise, Madam Pomfrey, for disturbing your peace and smuggling Lupin away. Is that it? Thank you," he said, without waiting for an answer, seized Remus and ran.

The two of them avoided Madam Pomfrey for the next few months.


Severus didn't attend the Hallowe'en feast. Instead he climbed the Astronomy Tower and stood, shaking slightly, at the top. And then he closed his eyes and remembered.

Severus knocked back a tiny glass vial. You didn't need to be a genius to work out what was in it. Severus staggered, his forehead already beading with sweat, and the vial plunged to its premature death even as its victim followed it, falling beyond the parapet.

"No!" Minerva cried. Albus rushed to the edge, stricken, watching the bat-like figure drop and had his wand out in an instant.

"ARRESTO MOMENTUM!" It was command that could be heard all over Hogwarts on that fateful night. Dumbledore swept an arm through the air, felt the shields vanish and grabbed Minerva. At once they Apparated to Severus' side.

It had taken far too long to recover from that. And once he'd come around entirely, he had to face Lily's funeral.

The service was packed and Severus stood at the edge of Godric Hollow's graveyard, Disillusioned as the vicar said his speech. The other guests, primarily strangers that had felt the need to pay their respects to the Potters, had been informed that they could only stay for the speech and any memories they wanted to share. When all save Severus, Albus, Minerva and Remus Lupin were gone, Severus and Lupin stepped forwards. Severus had now removed the charm. Lily stared up at him, green eyes emotionless and unseeing. Albus put a hand on his shoulder.

"Go on," he whispered.

Simultaneously, Severus lowered her eyelids as Lupin did the same to Potter. Then Lupin spoke, and his words were clearly directed at James.

"My friend, brother, family, I will remember you now and forever. Amen." And the werewolf walked away, consumed with grief, tear tracks running down his face. Only he, Albus and Minerva were left.

Minerva spoke next.

"Lily and James, you were the best students I had seen in a long time. You were resourceful, brave, dedicated, and you went on to become honoured members of our society. I will remember you." And she retreated too.

Dumbledore took his turn, and his was the shortest as his connection to the couple had been the least significant as their headmaster and later, advisor.

"Lily and James Potter, you died in service to me and I will remember you." His voice was solemn and slow, and once he had finished he gave Severus space to say his final words to Lily. Severus sensed Albus' eyes on him as he uttered the words that he had spent his whole life debating how to say them to Lily, and now never would.

Severus... Reformed / SNILY (COMPLETE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن