Chapter Fifty-Three

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Severus didn't speak to Remus for many days. He only ventured into the Hospital Wing briefly to talk to Lily and then vanished again. No-one except Lily tried to look for him and that was fine by him. It's not as if anyone would find him in a vault beneath the school, especially one that was currently filled with dust and would later contain an infamous three-headed dog.

He spent three days away from all civilisation, without food or drink, before going to find Regulus Black.
"Merlin's beard, Snape, you look horrendous!"

Severus consulted a mirror, fixed his appearance and gave the young Slytherin a searching gaze. Black looked uncomfortable.
"You want to know how much I knew about it, don't you?" He asked timidly.
"You could almost be a Legilimens, Black," Severus said hoarsely.

"Well, I'm not. I'm just smart," Black replied, disgusted.
"Should've been in Ravenclaw then, surely," Severus commented mildly.
He got exactly the kind of reaction he could've wanted.

"Well I'm not, am I?" Black exclaimed, infuriated.
"Life isn't fair, Black."
"No, it isn't," Black agreed.

"Then tell me how much you knew about it."
"Tell me or I will curse you to hell and back," Severus snarled, wand up against the younger boy's throat in an instant.
"Snape! Do you want Mulciber to kill me?" Black cried.

"I'm sure it'll only be the Cruciatus at your age," Severus responded, immediately calm again.
Black looked horrified.
"The Cruciatus! We're not all that dark, Snape."
Severus lowered his wand and was about to walk out.

"You'd better leave Mulciber's gang sooner rather than later otherwise you'll get a taste of it," the Ravenclaw sneered.
Black appeared to be confused.
"What, has he used it on you or something? He's in your year!"

"Oh, he's used it on me many times," Severus stated matter-of-factly. "But I wouldn't bring it up with him. He gets a bit agitated."
Startled into silence, Black didn't attempt to say anything else and Severus left, his anger having abated.


Having failed with getting Black to talk, Severus' next stop was Dumbledore's office. He'd refuse to give away his memories if the old codger was around, of course, but he'd like a bit of time in what was once his own office.

Once inside, Severus gave the walls a cursory glance. One never knew what portraits would be listening. To Severus' fantastic luck, only Phineas Nigellus Black and Armando Dippet were awake or present.

"Good afternoon, Headmaster Black, Headmaster Dippet."
Bewildered, Dippet nodded back and Black sneered in trademark Slytherin fashion.
"I was just speaking to your great-great-grandson," Severus continued idly.
Phineas looked vaguely interested since Dippet had no descendants.

"No, Regulus, of course," Severus traced the engraving on a nearby trophy.
"Regulus?" Phineas instantly cheered up considerably. "How is he doing? Still making his mother proud?"

"I'm sure Walburga will be delighted with his progress," Severus informed him. "He's very dedicated to his studies and is well on his way to becoming the best Potions student at Hogwarts."
Phineas looked pleased but soon remembered the first part of the conversation.
"What did you and he discuss, Snape?"

"He is worried, of course," Severus replied in the same toneless voice as before. "He'll have to pick a side sooner rather than later."
"Well he knows the most suitable side is Riddle's_"

"Do not mention that boy!" Dippet interrupted harshly. "He was corrupted by others in your house, Black!"
"He picked an honourable cause," Phineas hissed, "and fulfilled his goals to the best of his ability."

"I don't care for your politics, Headmaster," Severus stated blatantly, speaking to Phineas. "Those on Riddle's side have already begun to threaten him, and his life will be at risk if he ignores morons like them."
Phineas stiffened.

"Alter your attitude when speaking to your betters, Snape!"
"I would if I couldn't best a portrait," Severus commented and then turned his back of the two squabbling portraits.
He walked over to the Sorting Hat and placed it reverently on his head.

"Greetings, Snape," the hat issued. "How is life as a student?"
"Boring, undoubtedly," Severus replied. "Lessons are stiflingly easy."
"All to be expected as one undertakes a second Life, unfortunately. I have had many of your mortal lifespans."

The hat had struggled to sort Severus the year before, having instantly seen his past life floating on the surface of his thoughts. The hat held a great deal of magic and its Legilimency skills were beyond that of any wizard.

"How is it going with Dumbledore?" Severus asked shrewdly.
"He is suspicious of you, evidently," the hat told him. "But he cannot be sure which part you are covering up. It is good that you have tailored your Occlumency to such an extent. Usually it is all or nothing with a natural Occlumens like yourself."

"Will you continue to lie to him?" Severus questioned, unsure of what the response would be.
"Anything for a neutral Headmaster of Hogwarts," the hat assured.
"Thank you," Severus said genuinely. "There are few I can trust at the moment."

"It is not a question of trust," the hat said wisely. "No man such as yourself will ever trust wholly. It is a question of calculation and strategy. Ally yourselves with people who will help you and cannot afford to betray you or will never go against their intrinsic Gryffindor principles."
Severus thought for a moment.
"You've given me much to think on. I'll be back soon."
"Please," the hat said good-humouredly. "It gets rather tiring, being a hat."

Severus gave a tight-lipped smile and slipped the hat off, resting it on its perch before going to leave the office. As he neared the door, it opened and Dumbledore walked in. He saw Severus, paused and looked startled.

"What reason could you possibly have for being in here?" He inquired, confused.
"None," Severus replied and his eyes betrayed nothing. "None at all."
He left without another word.

Wary, Dumbledore went to his desk and addressed the Sorting Hat.
"Well, why was he here?" He demanded.
The hat gave a helpless little shrug and Dumbledore huffed in annoyance.
Above in Dippet's frame, Phineas had his hand over Dippet's mouth and so the current headmaster remained in puzzled silence for a while.


A.N. Another chapter in so little time! Some of you had better be proud of me. xD
This chapter showed a nice dark Severus and a helpful hat. Dumbledore is confused as are Dippet and Regulus hehe.
Tell me if there were any typos as I typed this on my phone. :)
To abate your own confusion, vote and comment for now and you'll understand when you read the next chapter!!!! :)

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