Chapter Thirty-Four

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Severus, with the unnaturally huge patience of someone who has encountered many tedious situations in their life, did not fall asleep during the Sorting Ceremony. George Corner, however, did, and he found himself sniggering on many occasions as the boy in question lowered his head onto Remus' shoulder and began drooling.

Eventually, Dumbledore's voice ceased to drone and food appeared before them. Severus took his usual modest amount, a cheese pastry, and woke Corner up with a nice blast of Aguamenti to the face. This then prompted several minutes of a furious but silent glaring contest, in which Corner blinked countless times, and Severus did not. Subsequently, Severus won, and Corner returned to conversing with Edgar Boot and Nicholas Goldstein on the frivolous subject of girls.

Shortly after pudding had been whisked away into thin-air, and the students were dismissed, Fiona Bradley, the Captain of Ravenclaw's Quidditch Team, approached Severus and Remus with the prefect, Patricia Clearwater, who Severus was not particularly enthused to see.

"Snape," she greeted curtly. "Lupin."

"Clearwater," nodded Remus. Severus said nothing.

Fiona stepped forwards.

"I thought you'd like to know that Quidditch try-outs are next Saturday, promptly after breakfast."

"And why would we want to know that?" Severus asked, smirking. Remus nudged him indignantly.

"Well, Snape," said Fiona, "I've heard that you are, by far, the second year's strongest player, and that Lupin isn't too shabby either. So I thought I'd give you a heads-up. Think of it as a personal invitation from the captain. We need some new blood on the team. It's getting rusty."

The minute Bradley and Clearwater were out of earshot, Remus turned to Severus, excitement written all over his face. Severus noticed the look, and was immediately alarmed.

"Lupin, don't wet yourself," he warned. "You have to get through the try-outs, remember?"

"Oh, yes, er, obviously," Remus said, scratching his head, but his beam remained. "Oh, this is so exciting!"

Severus rolled his eyes.

"Did you do any practice over the summer?" He questioned shrewdly. Remus blushed.

"Well, er, I had no-one to p-play against," he stammered.

"Easy to remedy that," Severus muttered. "I'll practice with you after class on Friday."

"Really?" Remus asked, astonished.

"Really," Severus affirmed, and the deal was done.


First, however, they had to sit through lessons and, for Severus, they were just as stultifying as the year before. The curriculum consisted of things such as Strengthening Solution for Potions, Engorgio for Charms, and Revelio for Transfiguration. All in all, it was extremely disheartening. He was still required to pay attention in Transfiguration and Herbology, Flitwick had him demonstrate charms in his lessons, Slughorn kept him brewing medicines for the Hospital Wing, he read in Binns' classes, and he listened mostly attentively to the Astronomy lectures. The new DADA teacher was twitchy and nervous, and while he attempted to scold Severus for reading during lessons, he soon gave up and resigned himself to the fate of being fired before the end of the year.

Eventually Friday arrived and Lily went with Remus and Severus to witness them play. She took a seat in the stands as Severus went to fetch a school broom, Remus hovering uncertainly on his father's Silver Arrow. It was a good broom, but worn and tired, and would be a good match against the school brooms, which Severus remembered to be a worse quality than even the Cleansweeps.

"Ready?" Severus called, wind whipping his hair, as he ascended higher and higher into the clear blue sky. It was perfect conditions for training.

"Sure thing." Remus looked more animated now that Severus had joined him in the sky. "What should we start with?"

"What position do you want to play?" Severus questioned.

Remus scratched his head, somehow managing to ease his trademark habit, even in the air.

"I kind of want to try out for Chaser," he suggested gingerly. "I mean, I'm quite light, and I don't mind flying quickly."

"Sounds good," Severus commented. "Well, for the purpose of this practice, I can be Keeper. Take this," he threw a Quaffle at the other boy, "and try and get it past me and through the hoops."

Severus and Remus utilised this tactic for the next hour or so, with Lily cheering all the while. When Remus signalled for them to stop, the two flew down to the ground, and received Lily's enthusiastic hugs.

"You two will be great!" She exclaimed. "Severus, a word?"

Remus gave Severus a confused look but left to go and shower anyway.

"Sev, I was wondering..." Lily sighed. She gazed up at him with scared eyes. "I_ I want to go for the try-outs, but I'm not that good, and I don't want Potter and his crew teasing me. Could you help me?"

"Of course, Lils," Severus replied seriously. "Would they tease you?"

"They were horrible in Flying Class last year," she answered, shuddering. "Bragging and boasting. I don't want to be made a fool of."

"You won't look like a fool, Lily, I promise," Severus vowed. "I'll help you. When are your try-outs?"

"Sunday morning," Lily said, biting her lip nervously. Severus thought for a moment.

"After Ravenclaw's try-outs, once everyone's dispersed, we'll have a little practice, shall we?" He suggested.

Lily nodded, reassured.

"Thank you, Sev. I don't know what I'd do without you!"

Severus' eyes darkened.

"Neither do I."


A.N. Quidditch approaches! Will they all make their respective teams? What about Potter and Black? Who knows? ME. Mwahahahahaha.

Aaaaannnnddd Sev gets a lil jealous of Lily. Totally normal. After all, Lily died without him, so...

Thank you for reading yet another chapter, and comments are ALWAYS very welcome!!!!!!

Severus... Reformed / SNILY (COMPLETE)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu