Chapter Fifty

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One day early on in March, Severus was working diligently on his potion when the door to the Potions classroom opened with a bang and Regulus ran in, panting. Choosing to avoid using Legilimency for the time being, Severus instead raised an eyebrow, determined to find out why the younger boy was in such a state. Regulus stood there, his chest still heaving with exertion, but deigned not to answer Severus' unspoken question.

"Black," Severus said sharply. "What happened?"

"Er, uh, nothing," Regulus gasped, looking anywhere but at the Ravenclaw.

Severus stood, too, determined to make eye contact. When he did, his eyes opened a mere fraction in surprise.

"Why are you worried about Rosier, Mulciber and Avery? Surely they can't have the brain cells to injure anyone without Malfoy's help."

Severus' tone was derisive. Regulus gave him a wary look.

"You have that thing," the younger boy commented, annoyed. "I don't know why I'm surprised," he added, snorting. "Sirius always threatened to learn it and reveal all my 'darkest' secrets to the Slytherins."

"Some brother," Severus replied.

"You don't like him?"

It was Severus' turn to snort.

"Against common, idiotic ideals, Ravenclaws do not always like Gryffindors," Severus said icily.

"You hang around with that Mudblood often enough."

Severus struggled to contain his temper; Regulus watched him with narrowed, assessing eyes.

"Why were you worried about Rosier?" Severus asked, returning to the original question.

Regulus took a deep breath.

"They're watching you," he said, biting his lip, as if it hurt his pride to reveal it. "And me. They think you have an ulterior motive in getting me to help you."

"So what if I do?"

Regulus tensed.

"They plan on getting to you... through other means. Hurting the others, if necessary."

Instantly, Severus was on the alert.

"Why – what do they think I'm doing?"

Regulus shrugged his shoulders.

"Inculcating me with your ideas? I'm not sure. Whatever it means, it's not good. I advise you to leave well alone."

Severus looked pensive.

"I'll bear that in mind," he responded eventually. "Now, help me with the Fluxweed."

Regulus stared at the boy.

"You're_ ignoring it?"

"Ignoring the threat of someone like Mulciber?" Severus inquired, though he knew what the Slytherin was asking. "Of course. Mulciber's an idiot, and so are his cronies. I doubt they could land a scratch on my body. Now, the Fluxweed."


The evening found Severus lying on his bed, lost in thought. Remus, having complained of a headache, lay on the adjacent bed, one arm sprawled over his eyes as if to protect them from the dim moonlight. After a long while, which felt like hours to Severus, but must have been only about thirty minutes, he sat up and turned towards Remus.

"Yes?" The other questioned, sensing his need to speak.

"Don't hang around me for the next few days," he warned.

"As if I would," Remus joked.

"I'm serious, Remus. Mulciber is out to get me."

"What about Lily?" Remus asked, removing his arm from his face, and staring at Severus.

"I won't be telling her."

"Why not?"

"You can protect yourself, Remus. Lily_"

"_Lily is as strong as either of us."

"But Lily is... naïve. She doesn't understand threats. She doesn't understand violence. She'll reveal all to a professor. I need to her to stay by me so I can protect her."

"She doesn't need your protection. What are you so afraid of?"

Severus hissed in pain, closing his eyes momentarily. He hated those words.

"Severus, if she is in any danger, let her go. If you're going to walk into a trap, don't take her with you."

"You don't understand_"

"_Then help me to!"

Severus stood up abruptly.

"Goodnight, Lupin."

Severus strode out of the dormitory with cold malevolence, careful to keep all emotions off his face. He didn't return to the dormitory that night and Remus didn't look for him. They didn't often agree, and this was actually something they were on the same page about. They both wanted to keep Lily safe, but neither could say for certain which way was best. And neither was prepared to give Lily her say.


A.N. So, what's going to happen next? Any guesses?

I know it's very late, but it is still the weekend @Elviras06 . At least, it is for me. XD

Sorry for the long long long wait for this chapter. I hope it makes up for the absence? It probably doesn't.

Anyway, thank you as always for reading, and PLEASE COMMENT!!

Severus... Reformed / SNILY (COMPLETE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant