Chapter Forty-Eight

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Abnormal eventually flowed back into normal. Severus Snape faded back into the second-most interesting thing to talk about, second only to the subject of Charles Bletchley's rainbow-coloured hair (courtesy of James Potter and Sirius Black, it was said), and school continued in its usual mundane way.

Severus was researching with a fervour recognised by his friends as desperation. He wanted to find a result, an answer to the ageless question, but he had to do a lot of digging for it, and he knew that he needed an extra pair of hands. However, Remus wasn't brilliant at Potions, he didn't want Natalie and her friends poking around his private research, and it was for Lily that he was doing what he was doing. Therefore he set out to find a competent assistant, and uncovered an obscure talent.


Now, Regulus Black wasn't typically hailed as a Potions prodigy. Severus had pretty much stolen the limelight for that sort of thing, and every subject around it. However, Slughorn did boast about Regulus a whole lot more than he did about Severus, and that was what alerted the Ravenclaw to the young Slytherin's presence. It was when Severus was casually eavesdropping on the end of a staff meeting that he heard it.

"Now, Regulus Black is the best Potions student I've seen in a while," Horace commented to Minerva as they walked down the corridor together, after leaving the staff-room.

"What about Severus Snape?" Minerva questioned. Severus felt a strong sense of admiration for the woman then.

"Oh, he's a fraud," Horace dismissed easily. "A fake. He's really a very mediocre student. He just uses impressive disguising charms to hide it."

"He can't be a mediocre student, then, can he Horace?" Minerva asked sternly. Severus got the feeling that she was looking at the Potions Master from over the top of her spectacles. "With all those 'impressive disguising charms'."

"Well," Horace blathered. "There's a..."

Severus refrained from listening any longer to the conversation, bored as he was by the idiocy of his predecessor at teaching. Instead, he went to seek out the aforementioned first-year, whom he knew would not be pleased to have gained the attention of an insignificant Ravenclaw.


Severus discovered Black in the first place he looked: by the lake where he saw him last. He was with three or four others, but did not appear to be taking part in their amusement, and instead seemed to be more intent in watching every passer-by out of the corner of his eye, as if afraid of their next movements. Noting this, Severus decided to go straight up to the younger boy, leaving Black with no choice but to acknowledge him.

"Black," he greeted formally.

"Snape," Black replied after a momentary pause. "What can I do for you?"

"I've heard you're quite the whiz at Potions," he stated blandly. "I thought you could give me a hand."

Regulus' friends seemed to pay the slightest attention to this sentence, but otherwise continued to chatter aimlessly next to them.

"And who did you hear that from?" Black questioned coolly, although his eyes gave away the real wariness within.

"The great one himself," Severus drawled. "Professor Slughorn."

Black snorted – he couldn't help himself.

"That sham," he sniggered. "Couldn't tell a poison from an antidote, I've no doubt."

He eyed Severus interestedly.

"You don't seem offended," he commented.

"Why should I be?" Severus said calmly. "It's not like I'm the one Slughorn raves about."

"True," Black considered. "Anyway, what do you want my help with? Anything actually interesting?"

"Yes," replied Severus. "But I'm only in the drafting stages. I'd like your assistance with brewing, not theories, and so you don't need to know what I'm making."

"I'd like to know if there's a possibility of a cauldron blowing up in my face," Black said emotionlessly.

"I won't be coating the cauldron in Bulbadox Powder, if that's what you're asking," Severus answered, equally tonelessly. "Although Slughorn may not spew my achievements to every human being in a fifty-metre radius, I am exceptionally gifted at Potion-making, and I do know how not to explode a cauldron, whether it be pewter or not."

"So why do you need me, if you're so good?"

"Not all potions can be created safely with a single pair of hands," Severus explained. "I need a watchful eye and a steady hand."

"Very well," Black said quietly. "I will assist you but, in turn, you will have to do something for me."

"Of course. What will that be?"

"I'm not sure yet. I may call on you at any time."

"So be it," Severus acquiesced. "Meet me in the Potions classroom tomorrow after classes."

"See you, Snape," was all Black responded, and so Severus left, to go over the consistencies of Armadillo Bile, that needed checking for the next day.


A.N. I am so dreadfully sorry for the long pause. Schoolwork will be the death of me soon, and the fear that I may fail my GCSEs is what's keeping me from updating my Wattpad works.

Keep calm, keep reading, and PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!

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