; repent, repent, repeat ;

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"I already brushed my teeth!"

"Good," her father replied and kissed her forehead, "But you're still forgetting something."

"Huh? Wait..." her eyes brightened in recognition and stared up the ceiling, "God, I'm very sorry! I almost forgot to pray... does He hate me now?"

"God forgives anyone as long as they repent, sweetie."

"Anyone? Even the most evil in the world?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay," she took a deep breath, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

"God, please let there be peace around the world. Please bless my mom and dad because they're very good person. Please forgive me for almost forgetting to pray tonight... oh! And forgive everyone for their sins and bless them."

An innocent smile form on the child's face, "Even mother, father, brother, teacher, my friends and neighbours, the children on the street, the beggars, vendors, drivers, killers, murderers, criminals, demons, and Lucifer."

Her father's breath hitched. His dark eyes fell upon her daughter.

"...that's all. Thank you for everything. Amen!"

"Sweetie, why did you say that?"

"Hmm? What?"

"About Lucifer. Where did you learned that?"

"At the church," she answered earnestly, "Father told us that Lucifer was once God's favorite but he was too prideful and greedy so he tried to take God's throne and rebelled against Him. He was punished and God created a kingdom for Lucifer to rule and that is Hell. But God forgives anyone as long as they repent, right? If Lucifer finally repented to his sins, maybe he won't represent evil anymore. Maybe evil will disappear—Daddy, what's wrong?"

The child looked expectantly at her father. Tears keep on flowing down his cheeks.

"That's my girl," he cried and hugged her, "But the world isn't fair, sweetie. We need evil to prove that we're good. If there's light, there's always a shadow. If there is good, then there is bad. One won't exist without the other. If evil doesn't exist, then what is the basis for our conscience and morality? Are we even classified as humans or just animals with higher intelligence and right decisions subjecting to His will?"

"... I can't understand."

"It's alright," her father smiled sadly and tucked her in bed, "Goodnight, sweetie."

"Goodnight, daddy."

Before sleep enveloped her, she thought maybe her imagination was just fooling her.

Dad doesn't have horns...does he? 

Iisang PapelWhere stories live. Discover now