; who he was ;

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"You're breaking up with me?" exclaimed Life.

Death sighed. He figured out that she'll be upset. But she'll get over it. Death just realized that they can't be together. She's the opposite of him, he's the opposite of her. This won't work out.

"Yes," he confirmed, "I'm sorry."

The cycle of life and death is in total pandemonium. The dead are rising from their graves, with fast regeneration of its dead cells and organs. Perfectly healthy beings are struck dead with no reasonable explanation. A deadly plague had risen, killing millions of people.

As long as they're together... as long as they love each other, it will bring disaster to earth. Their love won't bloom. Their union is a catastrophe to mankind.

There are scarcely a handful of living things on the planet. Only microorganisms survived over these course of destruction.

The embodiment demise sighed in exhaustion. He's so tired of everything. He spent the last eon of his life ferrying the souls of their victims. He can't take it anymore.

Death knew that he can't win against Life's powers. He's the end, she's the beginning. Everytime he end things, she'll start right off again.

"But... I love you!"

"Me too... I did."

Her body crumbled to the vacuum space of the universe. Her tears splashed throughout the cosmos, giving birth to the ball of burning gases we call 'stars'.

"But I can't let you go. You're the only one for me. Please, don't leave me," she wept, "...I can't bear the thought of life without you."

But Death was firm in his decision.

"I'm sorry."

"No, you can't leave me... or else, I'll kill myself!"

Some of the livest stars are unable to resist the sorrow of Life and the coldness of Death. They burst into a colorful array of luminous gases in contrast to the pitch blackness of the void.

Perhaps their break-up was the end of everything we know. Maybe. Who knows?

But one thing was for sure.

If there is something Death is unaware, it is how vulnerable Life is.

Death is no God, that is for certain. Thus, he can't control the cycle and balance of life and death. He cannot decide when or where a being would cease to breath.

Death don't have control over Life.

He stared at her beautiful form.

There is something that has been bothering him since the birth of his consciousness.

"As long as there is Life, there is Death.

I am no longer Death."

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