100. Yes

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June 14th 2019, Villa Erba, Lake Como, Italy

"Good morning, my only true love.

I can't believe the day has finally here. 

I can't believe I'm the lucky one who will get to call you my wife. 

This is my last gift as your boyfriend - or should I say 'fiancé' since you love it so much?

As soon as I saw it, I thought of you. 

It's delicate and elegant, just like you. 

I can't wait to see you walking down the aisle with your lovely dress,

and I can't wait to get to take it off tonight,

I love you very very very much,


I read the card I had found over a Graff box, on the table, and already felt more emotional than expected. I had been mentally preparing for months but, at that moment, I realized that no preparation could ever make you feel ready for such a big day, everything I was feeling was somehow stronger. In fact, as I opened the box and saw the most beautiful single-strand diamond necklace I had ever seen, a tear streamed down my face. 

"Good lord, why are you already crying?" my mum, who had spent the night in my room with me, made me giggle as she appeared from the bedroom. I showed her the necklace and she reacted just like I had done, making me laugh even more. 

As I took my shower while I was waiting for Mario, my makeup artist, and George, my hairdresser, I couldn't help but wonder what was Harry doing. We had agreed on not talking, nor seeing each other, until the wedding itself and, not knowing how he was feeling, literally drove me crazy. I didn't know if he was as nervous as me, if he was as excited as me, who was he talking to, or if he was with anyone, for that matter. Had Anne spent the night with him like my mother had done with me? Or had he spent the night alone? Was he able to immediately fall asleep like usual, or was he fantasizing about the day like me? 

"Good morning!" Jack squealed as he entered the room, put his huge camera on the table and wrapped his arms around me, "how are you feeling? Did you sleep well? Have you eaten yet? Are you excited?"

"Why are you so hyper?" I giggled, "I'm feeling... super emotional," I said, "but in a good way," I continued, "I don't even know how to describe it," 

"You're literally glowing," he said, "so I can't wait to take some pictures," 

"Have you seen Harry this morning?" I asked, 

"I have," he nodded, "We were in his room just now... Caleb is still with him," he winked, "he was with Jeff, Ben, Mitch James... the other James, Adam, Lou, Lux," he stopped, "I mean... a lot of people were in the tiny room," 

"How was he feeling?" I asked, "how did he look? Did you see his suit?"

"I'm not telling you anything," he shook his head and we were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. My mother, who had only stared at Jack and me with an amused look on her face up until that moment, opened the door and welcomed my beauty team in. Since it was already 9 A.M., they started working on my skin and hair, while I started feeling more and more anxious. 

"I can't wait to see you." I read on my phone and smiled, "I know I broke a rule... but I wanted to text you anyway." he sent shortly after, but I decided to tease him a little by not replying, even if all I wanted to do was to talk to him. 

How would you feel? (Harry Styles) || COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon