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one day it won't hurt anymore

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐒one day it won't hurt anymore

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"LET me see the baby."

Clarke turned away from Rick's frozen state, to Hershel who was now looking at the baby who is in Carls' arms.

"We're gonna feed it," Clarke spoke up, her voice cracking. "I don't think we have anything a baby can eat," she stated, her mind going back to the time where her brothers and her had to take care of a shapeshifting baby. She remembers Dean having so much trouble with the poor thing, but he obviously enjoyed taking care of it.

"The good news is she looks healthy." Hershel looked up at her and Daryl who was slightly behind her. "But she needs formula. And soon, or she won't survive."

"Uh huh." Clarke shook her head, her expression going cold as she thought about losing another person. "No. No way. Not her."

Daryl placed his hand on Clarke's shoulder, looking down at her with determined eyes. "We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run." He gave her a questioning look. "You comin'?"

Clarke nodded her head. "Of course."

He nodded his head. "Okay, think where we're going." He tapped Beth on the shoulder. "Beth. Kid just lost his mom. His dad ain't doing so hot."

Beth nodded, glancing at Clarke. "I'll look out for him."

She turned to Axel and Oscar, "You two get the fence. Too many pile up, we got ourselves a problem," Clarke ordered, throwing her hands around. She wanted to be like a statue, unbreakable, so that the others wouldn't fall apart.

"Clarke!" She turned around just as Sophia came crashing into her. She gently grabbed her face in her hands and bent down so that they were at eye level. "I just wanted to say... be careful out there." Sophia smiled, though it was forced. "I mean, I know Daryl will look out for you, but, still... I don't want to lose you, too."

"Don't worry, kiddo." Clarke kissed her forehead just as she saw Rick stand up, grab the axe, and run into the prison. She sighed and stood up, biting the inside of her cheek.

"Get the gate!" She turned around to see Daryl jogging up to his motorcycle. "Come on, we're gonna lose the light!" She gave Beth, Sophia, and Carl one last remaining look before running after Daryl. Mary stepped out to get her daughter's attention, but Clarke shook her head and when she caught up to Daryl, he said, "There's a Piggly Wiggly on 85."

Clarke shook her head, "No, the baby section's been cleared. Lori asked Maggie and I to keep an eye out. I haven't had much luck."

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