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rule number one: do not show weakness. as far as anyone knows, you are emotionles.

CLARKE slowly sat up, glancing at a peaceful Beth who snuggled into the blanket, a soft, kind, smile on her face as she slept

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CLARKE slowly sat up, glancing at a peaceful Beth who snuggled into the blanket, a soft, kind, smile on her face as she slept. She forced her eyes away from her small frame and placed her head in her hands.

She knew she shouldn't feel guilty for Zack, but she did. The first day she decides to not go on a run, something bad happened and someone died. What kind of coincidence would that be?

The guilt is ice in her guts. It could be a hundred degrees out and she'd still be frozen on the inside. She can't melt it on her own, she can't shift it at all. She needs him to bring his warmth, to show her that she can be better. Ashe wanted to be perfect so much, even as a little kid, and it kills her that she's not. She wanted to follow his ways from her earliest memories and still strayed. So though it's hard to move past her mistakes, she owns them, hold them as her own.

She hopes that wherever he is, her father is somehow proud of her.

Clarke furrowed her eyebrows. Why did I start thinking about my father? She hasn't thought about him in a long time.

She sighed, shaking her head before standing up. Sending Beth one last look before venturing off into the barely lit tunnels of the early morning prison. The blackness that surrounded her reminded her that she could go nowhere. Nowhere was safe from her. Wherever she goes, death follows.

She swallowed thickly as a sense of something bad happening, hit her. She turned, going to the right instead of straight which would've led her outside of the prison.

Clarke walked into the shower room and froze. There was blood on the floor. She walked forwards and bent down by the pile of blood which also had vile in it. She gagged at the smell before standing up.

She turned around to warm the others when her leg was snatched from out of underneath her. She screamed, her head hitting the floor with a painful slap.

Her vision went blurry but she forced herself to stay conscious long enough to survive whatever had happened.

She turned around onto her back, something crawling on top of her, or, well, someone. Her hands shot out and grabbed ahold of their shoulders, pushing them back as teeth snapped at her.

Her vision came back and she was able to see who was on top if her. She scrambled around for a weapon, the teeth that was snapping at her was getting closer and closer, close enough to bite into her neck. She let out a strangled breath and kicked it off of her before scrambling up to her feet. She whipped out ber knife from it's sheath and grabbed ahold of it, and sunk the knife into it's skull.

The Beginning ↠ Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now