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winchester's might be a pain in the ass, but the world needs them

CLARKE stared at her mother for seconds, minutes, maybe even what seemed like hours, but it was only for a split second before she was grabbing both women's arms, and dragging them away from her group who were sending her looks

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CLARKE stared at her mother for seconds, minutes, maybe even what seemed like hours, but it was only for a split second before she was grabbing both women's arms, and dragging them away from her group who were sending her looks.

Rick couldn't understand that Clarke knew the two women who attacked them, and he certainly cannot believe that one of them was her mother -- not that they knew anything about her family, anyway.

As Clarke pulled the two women far enough away from the group, she pulled out a hidden travel sized bottle, and threw the contents on them. She watched for any reaction, but all she got was a wide eyed look from both women.

"Huh..." Clarke stumbled back as a big realization hit her in the face; they are alive. You see, the contents that were in the bottle was holy water and little tiny pieces of silver which meants they weren't demon's not were they shapeshifters. "How...?"

"You know?" Mary asked increciously, staring at her daughter with wide eyes. Yes, she knew that she was her daughter because Jess had pictures of Clarke and Sam  which they found at her and Sam's old apartment. It was the only thing that survived the fire somehow. But, Jess didn't know about the fire or the fact that she was the cause of it. Hell, she doesn't even remember how she died or even the momemts before it. All she remembers is that Clarke and Dean came to the college to drag Sam out to find their father.

And then, the next thing she knows is waking up in an abandoned building alond side Mary. She had recognized Mary due to Sam showing her pictures throughout their relationship. Hell, the only way she even knows about the supernatural is because the house they woke up in was haunted by a murderous couple. And being in a haunted house apoarently wasn't enough was because as soon as they got rid of the ghosts, they stumbled upon the walking dead.

They have had one hell of a journey in only about a couple of months that they have been brought back.

Even Mary doesn't remember how she was brought back or how long it has been -- not until she found out about Jess who had been dating her son. It came a huge shock to her that it has been over twenty years since she was killed by the yellow-eyed demon.

"Clarke..." Mary took a step towards her daughter, reaching out towards her face to make sure she was real, to make sure this wasn't some sick dream that she was having.

But, Clarke still couldn't wrap her jead around the fact that her mother was alive and was standing in front of her. So, on instinct, she flinched backwards and slapped Mary's hands away from her. "Don't touch me." 

"Clarke, it's really your mother," Jess stated, looking at her friend with wide eyes. "And it's really me. Trust me, it's weird for us, too, but--"

"Stop," Clarke mumbled, shaking her head, her bottom lip trembling. She just wasn't sure if she was upset, shocked, angry, or all the above. "What kind of sick joke is this? Huh? You show up as my dead mother and friend?!" She whisper-shouted, her eyes wide. "No! Whatever the hell you are... just leave before I kill you and make you wish you never showed your face!"

"Clarke Marilyn Winchester!" Jess snapped which surprised the younger Winchester. "Now, listen! We don't know how we are alive, but we are! We just woke up in an abandoned, run down house knowing nothing. We don't know how we're here, but we are, so be grateful!"

Clarke stumbled back slightly at the stern voice before smirking. "Damn." She clicked her tongue and shook her head. "I didn't know you had a backbone." She chuckled and pulled Jess in for a hug, glancing at her mother over her shoulder before clearing her throat, and pulling away from Jess.

Glancing over at Rick, Daryl, and Glenn, she nodded towards them so that they knew it was safe. They all relaxed a bit and whispered to each other before Glenn walked off -- she guessed to tell the others that everything was okay.

"What changed you?" Jess asked, looking at Sam's twin. "You were always tough, but, now..."

"That was over six years ago, Jess," Clarke simply said, pursing her lips. "We have all changed."

"Is Sam with you?" Jess asked, excitedly, perking up slightly. But, at the look on Clarke's face, she froze and frownrd. "What happened?"

Clarke glanced between both Mary and Jess before saying, "We got seperated awhile ago. I'm not even sure if they're alive."


Clarke turned around just as Sophia ran into her, sending her reeling back slightly. Looking down, she smiled and ruffled the little girls hair. "Hey, ladybug."

Sophia smiled up at the woman who saved her life before turning to look at the other two blonde women who stood beside her. Both women were looking between Clarke and Sophia with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry!' Beth walked towards them, smiling between the blonde women. "I tried to stop her, but she was excited to see that you were okay."

"It's okay, Beth." Clarke smiled at tge young blonde girl.

Beth nodded and smiled before turning to the two new women. "Hello. Are you Clarke's mom?" She asked, looking at Mary with soft eyes. And when Mary nodded, Beth said, "You raised an amazing person."

Clarke choked on her saliva before widening her eyes. "She was... she wasn't around my whole life," she told Beth who deflated and looked at Mary with disappointed eyes.

"Oh... I'm sorry." Beth smiled gently before grabbing Sophia, and thdy both walked away where the rest of the group was.

Clarke turned to Mary and Jess, clearing her throat awkwardly.

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