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we don't got a lot but we've got each other

SO, Clarke woke up to only find out that somebody burned Karen and another members body because they were sick

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SO, Clarke woke up to only find out that somebody burned Karen and another members body because they were sick. Plus, Sasha had gotten sick so now she's with the other sick people in quarantine. Now, they have an angry Tyreese out for vengeance. And that is why Rick and Clarke had formed a group together so that they could go out and try to find anything for those who are sick.

"Where are we going?" Maggie asked, throwing a bag in the back of the car.

Rick, Maggie, Glenn, Daryl, Jo, Jess, and Clarke were the ones that decided in going. Rick didn't want to go at first but due to the council, Clarke managed to convince him, saying that he needed to get out of there. Ever since he had brought Woodybury people in, he hasn't left the safety of the prison. He needed to, she could clearly see that.

"As far as we need to," Clarke shot at her, throwing her bag in the car as well. She swiveled around to face Daryl who stood behind her. "You ready?" He nodded and threw his crossbow over his shoulder. "Okay. Let's get going before it gets dark. The longer we wait, the more people die."

"Okay, like Clarke said; Let's get going." Rick patted Clarke's shoulder before getting in the driver's seat. Maggie took the passenger seat as the rest of them got in the back. Usually, Daryl would take his motorcycle but Clarke forced him into taking the car with them. It seems like he has been trying to distance himself from her for some reason, and she wasn't having it.

Once they all got in the car, got it started, and drove away from the prison, it got insanely quiet in the car. And it stayed like that for at least two hours until they pulled over by a small mall in a small town. It looked abandoned but looks can be deceiving.

"I'll go out and look around," Clarke stated, looking at the others before reaching towards the door handle, but she was stopped.

"I'll go with you."

She turned around and looked at Rick who gave her a small smile. She hesitated but nodded. Ever since Rick had stepped down from the leader role, they haven't spent as much time together as they did before. And to be quite honest, she missed him.

"Okay." Clarke sighed.

"Wait." They all turned to Daryl, eyebrows raised, waiting for him to say anything. "Nevermind," He grumbled, slumping down into the seat.

"Okay..." Clarke trailed off, opening the door and as she was about to step out, she stopped as she heard gunshots and yells coming from the mall. She looked back at the others before bolting towards the mall, knowing that they were right behind her.

As Clarke bursted through the mall doors to see a group of people surrounding a two guys that she couldn't really see. Her eyes widened as she then realized that those weren't actual people, but were vampires. She could tell the difference because of the fact that one of them turned to her and hissed, teeth showing, and blood dripping from it's mouth.

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