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they will do what it takes to survive

CLARKE gasped for air, her head popping up out of the rapid water

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CLARKE gasped for air, her head popping up out of the rapid water. She gurgled up water and pulled Sophia up with her. She gasped, her head being thrown back as she sucked in as much breath as she could before they were pushed under, again by the current.

Clarke gagged on the water as she tried to breath. She kicked her legs as hard as she could and gripped onto the bank. She grabbed as much grass and roots as she could, but was still being pushed by the current.

Sophia popped her head up out of the water and gripped the bank, as well. She was trying to help Clarke out.

Seeing how much she was struggling, Clarke knew what she had to do. She put as much of her strength into throwing Sophia onto the bank. She struggled to pull herself up but, eventually, she did. But, when she finally made it, Clarke was so weak that she was losing her grip.

Clarke let go of the bank, ready for death but before she could get too far, her hand were grabbed, and she was pulled out of the water.

Clarke gasped, her chest heaving up and down. She rolled over and gurgled up water, her eyes watering from how bad the back of her throat was hurting.

"Clarke." Sophia hit my chest. "We need to go. We need to find shelter."

"I know," Clarke rasped out, looking up at her frightened figure. It was still night-time, probably around two in the morning.

Clarke understood her hurry in wanting to find shelter. They were soaked, exhausted, hungry, and overall, scared out of their minds. They could've died in that river. They could've drowned. And from what Clarke remember's, Sophia was terrified of drowning. It's a wonder on why she agreed to jump into that river with the blonde Winchester.

"I know," Clarke whispered and forced her stiff body to sit up.

Her wet clothes were gonna drag her down even more. So, Clarke stood up and ripped off her soaked black shirt. Good thing that she had a white tank top underneath. She grabbed ahold of her soaked hair and yanked it up into a pony tail. It wasn't perfect but it got her hair out of the way.

"Come." Sophia gripped Clarke's hand and pulled the blonde with her. She was shaking and thanks to the water, Clarke could see the purple bags under her eyes more clearly.

They ventured through the woods as quietly as they could. They carefully stepped over any twigs that would be able to snap under their weight and get walkers attention.

Hours later, when the sun was coming up, only then did they come across a small town.

"Finally!" Sophia cheered quietly, a smile coming onto her face for the first time since she literally ran into Clarke.

"Thank you, Cas," Clarke whispered to herself. Maybe the reason why she heard Cas' voice in her head was so that she wouldn't give up hope. "Let's hope that one of these houses are clear," Clarke said to Sophia.

"Yeah, maybe they will ha—"

Sophia was interrupted as Clarke let out a shrill scream. Sophia turned around abruptly to see Clarke clutching her leg. Her ankle had been caught in a bear trap.

"Oh, my god!" Sophia exclaimed just as a person came out of nowhere and grabbed her.

"No!" Clarke shouted as they held a gun up to Sophia's head. She cried out again as she moved her leg, the metal on the bear trap scraping the inside of her ankle. "Soph—"

"Shut up!" The man shouted as he held the gun closer to Sophia's head. "You say another word and I blow your daughters head off."

Clarke gulped and looked Sophia in the eyes. She gave her a pleading look and Clarke nodded, clenching her jaw tightly.

"Good girl," Said another man as he walked up behind Clarke. "We've been watching you for the past few hours and I gotta say, you are one tough bitch." He placed his fingers on her neck and ran it down to the front of her chest, stopping at the top of her tank top. "You look magnificent in white, sweetie."

Clarke bit her tongue so that she wouldn't say anything that would get Sophia's head blown off.

"You have one might fine piece of ass, sweetie." Clarke jerked forward as he slapped her ass rather harshly. She hissed out in pain because she moved her ankle when she was jerked forward. "I'm gonna let you out of this trap just because I know you won't run away. You can't run away. And I know you won't do anything that will get miss green eyes over there hurt."

Clarke let out, yet another scream as he jerked the bear trap open, allowing her to pull her ankle away from it. Almost instantly, she started to fall to the ground but was caught by the guy that was trying to get a piece of her.

"It's alright, sweetie, I'll take great care of you." He smiled down at Clarke, his cobalt blue eyes piercing into her own blue eyes. He leaned down and connected their lips together. She grunted and pushed him away from her. He looked up at her with a glare, "uh-huh," He tutted. "Remember, if you do something we don't like, little girl gets her brain blown out of her fucking skull."

Clarke clenched her jaw again, but only harder, grinding her teeth as she did so. She turned her head to stare into Sophia fearful eyes.

Clarke stood tall, trying to look tough even though her ankle was burning like hell. She had to get a good plan together so that both Sophia and her could get out of this alive.

She nodded to herself and turned to the one that had kissed her before. "Sorry," she apologized, "I just like to play hard to get." She shakily walked towards him and placed her hand on his chest. "It's just that... no one has touched me like you have." She leaned forward and connected her lips with his.

As fast as lightening, she grabbed the knife from her pants waist and stabbed him in the heart. And, before the other guy could react and shoot Sophia in the head, she spun around and threw the dagger at his head. It hit him square in between the eyes, and he fell to the ground.

Clarke gasped as all the adrenaline left her and she tumbled to the ground.

"Clarke!" Sophia grabbed ahold of her as her vision started to go in and out. "Clarke!"

Clarke breathed out and her world went black.

The Beginning ↠ Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now