Chapter 2 - Facing fate with Steam Buns and Candied Apples

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Feng Yao skipped happily through the streets with a steamed bun in her hand. After saving up for two weeks, she finally had enough copper coins to buy it. 

She hummed a joyful tune as she twirled in circles ignoring the strange looks from the people around her. 

Ahh~ My steam bun! How I've longed to have you in my hand like this~

Just as she was about to take her first bite, something heavily collided with her from the side. As if in slow motion, she could do nothing but watch with wide eyes as her steam bun rolled out of her hands and dropped onto the floor. She could practically feel her heart stop in agony the moment the bun made impact with the dirty ground.

"Ah. My steam bun..."

Her voice was monotone as she stared blankly at the scene in front of her. Refusing to believe it, she just continued to dumbly stare at the remains of her beautiful steam bun now lying on the dirty ground. 

Why do I feel like this has happened before?  

Suddenly, she felt her shoulders being grasped by someone as her entire body was shaken back and forth.

"Feng Yao! Perfect timing! I need you to do me a favor!"

The shaking of her shoulders finally stopped causing her to blink once in surprise. She turned and glanced at the person who was holding her arms. 

The familiar sight of an old, wrinkled face greeted her. His elderly face was flushed red from running, and his eyes were slightly bloodshot. He was the local doctor, but everyone called him by "old man" since he never revealed his actual name.

"Old man? What are you doing--" She was cut off by his frantic voice.

"Here! Hurry and go buy me this list of herbs from the medicinal shop. I have a patient--"

Suddenly a loud groan came out of his clinic with a shout soon following afterwards.

"Where did the doctor go!  Don't you know the young master is in pain?! You dare leave now?! If anything goes wrong with the young master, you won't be spared!"

The doctor hurriedly shoved a hastily written list and a pouch of silver coins her way before shooing her along.

"Hurry please! Feng Yao, I promise I'll treat you to a tray of goodies later!" With that, he ran back into his clinic as he tried to calm the angry men. "Yes, yes, I'm coming!"

Feng Yao blankly stared at the crumpled list and money bag that had been forcibly stuffed into her hands. After a minute, her head tilted up towards the sky as she wistfully thought to herself.

How many steam buns could I buy right now if I escaped with this money?

She quickly shook her head before slapping her cheeks.

No no nooo, Feng Yao. You must be diligent and brave! Do not give in to the evil of... necessary hunger pains! 

She had her fist clenched in front of her as if mimicking the actions of those famed martial artists after defeating their lifetime eternal rival. Her face looked incredibly smug over her self-control. It was quite a great talent actually; to look so childishly proud wasn't something that just any peasant girl could do. Her eyes were even starting to well up from her own self-praise.

Either that or because she just remembered about her stream bun still lying dead on the floor.

Feng Yao didn't seem to notice that the people walking around her had now resorted to covering their children's eyes as they skirted largely around her. Perhaps she herself didn't even realize how strange she looked at this moment.

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