Chapter 18 - Ru Qiang's Deal with the Devil

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The next day, Feng Yao decided to escape from the palace and roam the streets of the city for a while. After an entire night and morning of servants and eunuchs tiptoeing around her on their best behaviors, she was feeling a bit suffocated.

"All because of that Emperor..." She muttered to herself as she slowly walked down the crowded streets. 

Suddenly, Feng Yao noticed a commotion around a certain building. A large crowd of civilians  had surrounded the entrance to a fancy store. She instantly recognized it as one of the places that rich madams and misses often came to buy high-end jewelry.

Oooo~ What's this? Feng Yao wants to know too~

Her eyes lit up as she scurried over towards the crowd. 

Is it a fight!? A robber!? A vendor giving away free food!?!?

As she made her way to the front of the excited crowd, she finally got a glimpse of what exactly caused such a stir. Or rather, who.

Inside, a familiar beautiful woman was standing silently in watch as a young employee showed her various styles of elegant and expensive bracelets, necklaces, and hair pins. With each new product shone, the price only got higher and higher until Feng Yao's head began to get dizzy. She quickly turned to look back at the woman in order to get rid of her headache. 

The woman was just so beautiful. Too beautiful. 

Her seductive makeup, freely flowing hair, and snow-white clothing were flawless. Each movement looked like she was effortlessly gliding in the air. Even just a simple blink of her limpid eyes made the men around Feng Yao sigh in admiration. Several of the young woman around Feng Yao were also urgently gossiping with jealously, yet none of them could remove their gazes away from the heavenly woman. 

But unlike the excited crowd, Feng Yao simply sighed in disappointment.

Sigh...It's only Ru Qiang...

She was about to turn around and leave in search of her good friend Mr. Steam Bun when she heard her name.

"Young Miss! Perfect timing!" Li Yue hurriedly ran over towards her.

Of course, Feng Yao grimaced. I should have known that Li Yue would be here too. Two against one isn't fair, you know?

But she wasn't given the chance to complain as Li Yue quickly ushered her inside the building towards where Ru Qiang--er, Hui Yi-- was standing. 

The employee looked questioningly at Feng Yao who was currently being forcibly herded over towards them like a little lost lamb. Or in Feng Yao's case, a lost potato from the rest of the garden. 

Seeing that Hui Yi didn't react though, the employee naturally continued as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. 

"Miss Hui Yi, have you seen these necklaces? These were both made by the famed master known for creating the twin bracelets of purity and love! Each swirl and blossom in the metal has been delicately formed by him personally!"

A bored look played across Feng Yao's expression as she listened to the employee enthusiastically explain about the jewelry.

What I am doing here...?

She glanced over at Ru Qiang and noticed that he also had a bored look on his pretty face.

Leaning over towards his ear, she whispered, "What do you need me here for?"

He kept his eyes on the employee who was still excitedly talking as he responded to Feng Yao. "Which one is better?"


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