Chapter 29 - Onward They Continue

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"Young Master, the sun will be setting soon. Shall we stop at an inn for the Young Miss to rest and wash up?"


There was the sound of slight rustling as a half-asleep Feng Yao felt someone shift in position against her back.

"Xi'er, where's the nearest inn?"

"I believe there should be one coming up soon on this road, Young Master."

The sound of soft voices entered Feng Yao's ears as she slowly regained her senses. Her entire body was lightly swaying as if she was on a horse. The only difference was that she was laying against a warm and sturdy wall.

Wait. A wall? On a horse?

She let out a soft groan as she tried to open her heavy eyelids. The sunlight that was shining on her face seemed to be especially bright today. It was giving her a pounding headache from behind her closed eyes.

As if sensing her discomfort, a shadow was suddenly cast over her face bringing a soothing sense of coolness over her hot skin. Taking advantage of the shade, Feng Yao slowly opened her sleep-crusted eyes.

When her vision finally settled, she noticed that she was riding on top of a large horse as dark as midnight. The only reason why she hadn't yet fallen off the side was because Ru Qiang's arm was holding her upright while simultaneously guiding their horse's reins.

Feng Yao glanced upwards only to see that his other hand was raised in front of her forehead to help block the blinding sunlight.

"Eh? Young Miss, are you awake?"

The voice came from besides her. Feng Yao turned her head to see Li Yue riding another horse to her right. He had on his usual grin and black guard robes as he greeted her.

"I think so..." Her voice slightly cracked with dryness. She cleared her throat before speaking again.

"Li Yue, you're here too?"

He nodded cheerfully. "Of course! Wherever my Young Master goes, I'll be there. Plus, Little Xi is here too."

Feng Yao turned to the other side to see Xi'er also riding a horse next to her. Sensing Feng Yao's look, Xi'er gave a polite bow.

"Greetings to the Young Miss. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Feng Yao smiled at her before it morphed into a slight grimace. With a small glance, she looked down at her thigh that had started to silently sting like pinpricks again.

"Are you hurt?"

Ru Qiang's voice came directly behind her. Feng Yao had to twist her body in order to look at the man she was laying against. 

"Just a little bit. It's not too bad. I think it's already mostly healed, anyways."

He studied her face as if he didn't believe her nonchalant act. It was only with her reassuring smile, that he finally turned his gaze away to look at Xi'er.

"Xi'er, how far did you say the inn was?"

"At this pace, we should get there before the sun completely sets."

"Young Master," Li Yue cut in. "Do we need to speed up? It may get a bit dangerous once night falls.

Feng Yao felt Ru Qiang nod behind her.

"En. She's awake now. We can speed up."

Feng Yao interrupted him at that moment as her eyes squinted at the black horse they were riding. "Ru Qiang, is this your horse? Because he seems awfully familiar..."

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