Chapter 27 - A Way to Trick Them All

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"What are you doing in Zhen's study?"

Feng Yao lifted her fingers and lightly tapped at the bookshelf behind her before lying. "I'm investigating. Can't you see?"

The tick in Long Yi's jaw started again as he stared at Feng Yao. "Investigating what?"

Feng Yao sighed as she stared at him as if it should have been obvious.

"The death of the previous Wei Emperor."

Everyone froze at her words. All the servants standing behind Long Yi in the corridor immediately fell heavily to their knees as none of them dared to look at him. But Feng Yao simply laughed as she stood up. With her sudden bombshell, no one had noticed the papers stuffed into her robes.

"No need to be so stiff. Of course I couldn't find anything. But I'm sure that Your Majesty already knew that."

Long Yi's eyes narrowed at her. This wasn't the same girl he had locked up earlier. That girl had been completely under his control. But the person standing in front of him? This was a side he'd never seen before.

Almost like this was the true her.

Feng Yao watched as he continued to study her. His reaction was exactly what she had hoped for.

She had known that she wouldn't have enough time to leave before he found her. And when he did, he could easily lock her back up or worse: force her to spend the night with him.

But then again, wasn't there a certain saying?

 Curiosity killed the cat.

Feng Yao grinned. It looked like she had caught his interest once again. Perhaps, this would finally be the last time.

"Why was Your Majesty looking for me?"

She snapped him out of his thoughts and he suddenly laughed. As he moved towards her like nothing happened, the servants kneeling on the floor threw each other confused glances.

"Zhen wanted to come tell you about our successful ceremony. But seeing how you've already managed to personally come to Zhen, how about we celebrate together with a feast?"

Feng Yao leisurely raised an eyebrow at him. "What about the actual banquet?"

He waved away her question. "Not important. They can wait until Zhen arrives to begin."

Long Yi turned to speak to the servants, but his eyes never left her. "Go fetch Zhen and Zhen's Empress the food prepared."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The servants still kneeling on the floor quickly scrambled upwards and hurried out of the room.

Before long, they came back and worked around them in a flurry to set up a make-shift banquet that looked just as good as the real one that Long Yi was supposed to be at. Perhaps it was even better.

Feng Yao and Long Yi were ushered into sitting next to each other at the table.

"What do you like to eat, Feng Yao?"

Feng Yao's eyes followed the movement of the serving girl who was currently setting down the last dish of broiled chicken before turning her attention to him.

In a casual voice, she replied, "Hm? Anything, I guess."

His eyes were suspiciously bright as he nodded in thought. Feng Yao narrowed her gaze as she watched him.

What did he do to the food?

Long Yi smiled at her before personally picking up his chopsticks and moving a piece of stir-fried pork into her bowl of rice.

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