Chapter 5 - The Faint Bitter Scent of Tea

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Feng Yao glanced around before slipping outside through a low window. During the night was when the red light district was the most busy.

Brightly lit lanterns and hotel signs adorned the sidewalks. The streets were filled with men and woman flirtatiously laughing and touching. Underneath the cover of night, the illusion of a never-ending dream blanketed the entire street.

Feng Yao quickly scanned the crowded streets before ducking into the overhead of a random building. Despite being dressed in vibrantly red clothing, the moment she stepped backwards into the darkness, she became nothing more than an expressionless shadow.

Her eyes lightly flickered from person to person as the crowd slowly filtered by. Minutes passed yet Feng Yao didn't move. She just continued to watch indifferently as if she was looking for something. Or someone.

The night deepened as hours trickled by until the stars were brightly shining above the never ending stream of people. But still, Feng Yao didn't find who she was looking for.

Old man. Where exactly have you gone?

Suddenly, she felt someone grab her shoulder. Her eyes widened in shock. Just who was so skilled in martial arts that they could sneak up on her? Lowering her eyes, she hid her gaze as a calculating glint appeared. 

"Young miss, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

As if a switch was flipped, Feng Yao's personality changed into a shy young maiden. Turning her head, she slowly looked up into the eyes of a man dressed in the clothing of officials.

Quickly, she lowered her eyes back down as a slight flush came into her cheeks. With a small smile, she spoke in a coquettish voice.

"How can I help you, young sir?"

He paused at her voice and was momentarily dazed as if he suddenly just realized how attractive she was. Feng Yao pretended not to see the way that his gaze fell onto her thin clothing. She let out a small cough making him awkwardly clear his throat.

"Ahem...Have you by chance been here the entire night? Did you witness anything strange going on at the courtesan house down the street? We're looking for a suspect in a murder."

She tilted her head in confusion as she looked at him. "I don't know anything. My grandfather told me to wait for him here. He said that he'd be right back, but it's been a few hours now."

Feng Yao blinked quickly as her eyes began to well up.

"Sir, have you seen my grandfather? Was I abandoned? This poor girl did everything he asked. I put on makeup and these beautiful robes. I came to this unfamiliar street and stood here waiting. I did everything he told me, yet why am I alone?"

He studied the beautiful girl in front of him thinking, How pitiful. She doesn't even realize that she's been sold out by her own grandfather."

He didn't realize that she could clearly see what he was thinking.  

Feng Yao sniffled before lightly tugging onto his hand. She noticed the slight stiffening in his body from her touch and knew that he was beginning to waver.

"Sir, I'm so scared and lonely...Will you please stay with me?"

Her soft and vulnerable tone was the final straw that finally broke his facade as an upright official. No official ever comes to the red light district with pure thoughts. 

With a glint in his eyes and a charming look on his face, he grasped her arm. Although it was gentle, his firm grip left no room for her to wiggle out.

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