Chapter 13 - Oranges and Food Brings Forth Friendships

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Both Ru Qiang and Li Yue stared at her.

"You are..."

But she didn't answer and instead turned around to look through the cracks of the wagon. Trees continued to steadily pass by as their wagon moved deeper and deeper into the heart of the forest.

With a cryptic smile on her face, she quietly whispered to herself. "The wind is picking up..." In the silent stillness of the atmosphere, her soft voice seemed almost foreboding.

When the wagon slowly creaked to a halt, Ru Qiang glanced at his guard. Li Yue immediately understood and laid down to resume his unconscious act. The entire time, Feng Yao watched their interaction quietly. It was clear that they had known each other for a long time.

Just who was Ru Qiang to have such a capable guard like Li Yue? Even if at times Li Yue did seem a bit strange, it was clear that behind his persona, he hid many secrets just like his master.

Feng Yao sighed. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know their identities or not. As of now, she only knew Ru Qiang as the cross-dressing tea lover. But she was sure that if he ever heard her call him that, he'd want to strangle her to death.

Ehhh, maybe he already did.

At that moment, a loud unlocking sound resounded out into the air before the wagon doors were flung open. The bright sunlight filtering through the trees made Feng Yao squint as she looked at two young men standing at the opening.

They were both dressed in common merchant clothing, yet the swords strapped to their waists revealed their true identity. With cold eyes, the both of them glanced over Feng Yao, Ru Qiang, and Li Yue.

These men obviously were much more skilled than anyone she'd met before. Feng Yao wasn't strong nor was she incredibly skilled in martial arts. She had simply picked up a few tricks here and there as time passed by.

This was not a time to test out her tricks. Especially when she could sense the pairs of eyes of almost thirty other men watching from the shadows of the trees.

Guess I can just sit back for now. After all, I'm only here to look for information.

With that thought in mind, Feng Yao willingly allowed herself to be pulled by one of the wordless men out of the wagon. As she stumbled out onto the dirt ground, she could hear Ru Qiang getting dragged out behind her.

If it wasn't for the rope tightly binding their hands and the chains around their feet, Feng Yao was sure that Ru Qiang would have tried something by now. Otherwise, why would he still want Li Yue to pretend to be unconscious?

The man who had yanked Feng Yao and Ru Qiang out was now pushing them in front of him and into a wooden building large enough to house a small organization yet small enough where it wouldn't attract too much attention. It was hidden within the twisted branches of the surrounding bushes and low hanging vines. Ivy and weeds worked together to climb the sides of its walls.

"Come on. Move!"

Suddenly, she was shoved forward by a jarring force from behind. If it wasn't for the way that Ru Qiang had casually stepped in front of her from the side, she would have been sent flying to the dirt.


She turned her head to look at his impassive face.

Oh ho ho? What's this? This ice cube of a man is actually quite kind-hearted inside, isn't he?

Feng Yao couldn't help but grin at him as they were shoved forward once more. Ru Qiang simply glanced at her before looking away again. still hurt like heck bumping into his back. Sheesh, why does he have so much muscle? Isn't he supposed to look like a lady? I felt like I was jumping headfirst towards a steel wall!

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