Chapter 43 - A Lonesome Heart

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Feng Yao looked at the man in front of her. He was the last person that she could have imagined meeting here in the mountains of the forbidden land in the Zheng kingdom.

Inwardly, she grumbled to herself as she realized that she may have just stumbled upon another very troublesome secret.

But on the outside, she simply cocked her head to the side and let out a grin.

"Mr. Uncle, it's you!"

In an instant, her entire demeanor had changed to become as bright and sunny as the early morning sunlight shining above them. The guards who had previously been faced with her emotionless and silent self were now stunned silly at her sudden transformation.

But the man whom Feng Yao had nicknamed as 'Mr. Uncle' merely laughed as if he didn't find it strange it all. Amusement flickered in his eyes as he watched her hop down from the carriage and enthusiastically greet him as if this wasn't their second time meeting.

Of course, neither of them brought up the unique details of their strange parting from last time either.

Holding her sleeve up to cover her mouth, Feng Yao let out an innocent giggle.

"It's been such a long time since I last saw you! In fact, our last meeting was so long ago that it almost feels like we met in a whole another kingdom! Haha, how strange isn't it? I mean, what in the world would you be doing over there?"

Her bright laughter seemed to confuse the two guards, but their boss merely laughed.

"Haha, indeed! That is quite strange. After all, what could I have possibly been doing over in another kingdom?"

He smiled brightly at her, and Feng Yao continued smiling just as brightly back.

Inwardly though, she was secretly cursing his soul to suffer in the deepest pits of hell.

Curse you and your stupid smile to death! Who in their right mind would want to have such a blindingly bright smile contest so early in the morning?

Mr. Uncle acted as if he didn't notice her eyes that were cursing him out and simply deepened his smile as he spoke.

"My dear old acquaintance, I've answered your question. Isn't it the courteous thing to do to also share how in the world you ended up here?"

...What the heck do you mean, 'I've answered your question'? You obviously just avoided the entire thing and chucked the question far across the seas and into the dark abyss!

But Feng Yao's smile didn't reveal any of her inner thoughts. Instead, it slowly morphed into a full-on beam.

"Oh ho ho, are you really asking me such a boring question? I thought that after our last run-in, we had already become much closer than acquaintances! Shouldn't you, as a friend, be asking me if I've eaten yet instead?"

"Oh, is that so?" He laughed. "Then you must forgive me for not remembering how close we were. After all, I am getting a bit old."

Feng Yao wanted to snort.

You? Old?

Hah, you clearly know that you only look slightly older than me. What's with your indirect self-praise?

"Fu fu fu..."

She lifted her sleeves to slightly cover her expression as a laugh escaped her mouth.

"No harm in forgetting. I'm sure it's been hard on you. How old did you say you were again? 50? 60? Or was it 70? Fu fu fu, my apologies. I wasn't paying attention to what you said last time. After all, I am quite young. Fu fu fu."

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