Chapter 3 - Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

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An hour had already passed since Feng Yao had been blind-folded and tossed into a carriage. Her hands were currently tied behind her back and couldn't help stabilize her body from being jolted around during the bumpy ride. She wasn't sure of the exact time but she knew the sun must already be setting. 

She let out a soft sigh. It seemed like recently she'd been sighing a lot more. 

As she continued to wait patiently, the hushed voices of the two men leading the carriage outside drifted over to her. 

"--wasn't there. He's probably already moved locations."

"Impossible! He had a fatal wound. He couldn't have gone too far."

Oooo, how daring of them to speak so openly in front of a hostage~

Feng Yao eagerly perked her ears up. She didn't want to miss any juicy gossip.

Suddenly, the carriage came to an abrupt halt. Her body couldn't help but tumble forward.


Well geez...that hurt.

As she tried kicking her feet to get upright again, the sound of the metal locks unlatching made her pause. Soon after, the wooden doors of the carriage were opened as the two men entered the carriage.

"Tch, clumsy beggar. Don't even know why Boss said to capture this one too. Seems awfully more convenient to just kill..."

"Hah! And how would you explain the situation of a dead corpse to Boss? The more live goods, the more money we get. You got it?"

They roughly grabbed her by the arms and dragged her out. Immediately the strong scent of heavy perfume entered her nose. From multiple directions she could hear seductive voices and girlish giggles. 

Is this...the red light district? Tell the guards to wait! I want to hear what's happening for, ahem, educational purposes....Oh dear, I must already be blushing.

Unfortunately, they didn't listen to her imaginary pleas as she was forced up stairs into a building. Since her blind-fold was covering her vision, she wasn't able to see where they were taking her. 

As soon as she heard the door close behind her, an older female voice called out.

"What is that disgusting creature?"

Um. Is she talking about me?

One of the men holding Feng Yao let out an ugly snort before answering.

"Isn't it obvious? It's extra goods."

Yep. Probably talking about me.

Feng Yao heard the sound of the woman's footsteps walk towards her accompanied by the woman's haughty laugh. The smell of perfume became even stronger with each step.

"Even if you say that, it doesn't look like it. I can't even tell if its a male or female underneath all of that dirt and filth."

"Male or female, what does it matter as long as it meets your patron's fancy?"

Suddenly the woman ripped off Feng Yao's blindfold. The abrupt brightness made her squint in response. As her vision slowly began adapting, Feng Yao was finally able to see the face of the woman in front of her. 

She looked to be an older woman underneath her thick layer of face powder and rogue. But strangely, her outfit looked modest in comparison to all the prostitutes. 

The woman narrowed her eyes in unveiled disgust before turning away and tossing Feng Yao's blind-fold onto the floor. With a grand motion, she wiped her fingers onto a towel before also throwing that alongside the discarded blind-fold.

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