Chapter 41 - The Veiled Young Master

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The next day, Feng Yao woke up as soon as the sun began to rise into the sky. Carrying a small package covered by a layer of cloth, she walked out of her room.

"Good morning, Young Miss!"

Feng Yao smiled at Bai Qing who had been waiting outside. Returning her greeting, Feng Yao's eyes were drawn to a medium-sized black bag in the young girl's arms.

"Hm? Qing Qing, are you also planning to buy something today?"

Bai Qing noticed Feng Yao's gaze towards the black bag and looked down at it before shaking her head.

"Actually," she smiled shyly before she reached out towards Feng Yao. "This is my farewell gift to you. I don't have much, but I wanted to offer you something useful for your journey. Without you here, I...would've been incredibly lonely."

Placing the bag into Feng Yao's hands, her smile began to waver as tears flooded into her eyes. "Really, thank you so much..."

Feng Yao looked at the young girl who was on the verge of crying and felt a pang go through her own heart. Reaching out, she laid her hand on top of Bai Qing's head as she softly laughed.

"Silly girl, I haven't left yet. There's no need for tears this early in the morning."

She glanced down at the bag Bai Qing had given her in her arms. It had a single strap so that it could easily be strung over one's shoulders and looked also to be quite sturdy. Although it wasn't made from the best quality material, there was no doubt that this had was something that Bai Qing cared for a lot.

Feng Yao smiled gratefully. "Thank you. I will cherish this gift."

Bai Qing nodded as she smiled, although it looked more like a pitiful attempt at holding back tears. 

Seeing this, Feng Yao laughed again as she pulled her arm away from Bai Qing's head before handing over the package that she'd been carrying.

"Here, this is for you to change into. It is the uniform of a male servant. We'll be disguising as a young master and his attendant during our outing."

Bai Qing nodded as she wiped away the remains of her tears in her eyes. She had already figured that this was the case when she saw Feng Yao walking out in a male outfit and with her hair done up like a young scholar. 

If it wasn't for the fact that she knew what her Young Miss looked like, she would have thought that this person in front of her was a young man.

"Young Miss, are you using makeup to change your features? I almost couldn't recognize you when you came out of your room."

Hearing this, Feng Yao's eyes lit up in delight. "Is that so?" She laughed happily. "It's great that my efforts didn't go to waste."

She patted her chest as she continued. "But it wasn't just makeup. I also used some padding underneath these robes to make it seem like I have a slightly thicker body. Of course, I can't make myself look incredibly different, but at least it will make my figure look more like a male."

Bai Qing nodded in awe as she continued staring at her Young Miss with flushed cheeks.

Feng Yao merely laughed again before poking the girl's head.

"Go ahead and change. We'll be taking a secret way out of the estate."

By the time that they arrived to the main streets in the city, the sun had almost reached its highest point in the blue sky. It was because Feng Yao had insisted on not taking a carriage that their travel from the Jun Estate to the city had taken longer than usual. 

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