Chapter 19 - Fruit Dessert is Best Served Last

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Feng Yao grinned at Ru Qiang. He watched warily as she casually glanced around the room before picking up one of the bracelets the employee had left from earlier. 

"Here, this one seems nice. It's all sparkly and pretty." 

Ru Qiang stared at the bracelet she had placed in his hand. Whether by coincidence or on purpose, she had managed to pick out the one with the best quality. 

"I'll help you. But you'll have to give me an hour to prepare, okay?" A mischievous smile appeared on her lips as her eyes twinkled.

Ru Qiang looked at her blankly as he silently handed the bracelet to Li Yue to checkout. "An hour? What do you need an hour for?"

But Feng Yao didn't respond. She had already begun to sprint out of the shop. As she disappeared from his view, she shouted, "I'll meet you there, kay? Look forward to it!"

Ru Qiang stood there dumbfounded. It was only with Li Yue's hesitant poke on his shoulder that he finally snapped out of his daze.

"Li Yue...this may be the scariest night in my life."

"Young Master, should I call the Young Miss back? I'm sure she'll have some way to soothe your fears."

"...No. That's even scarier."

When Ru Qiang arrived at the front gates of the Chu residence, he felt a shiver go down his spine at the thought of having to meet his admirer without Feng Yao. 

Without turning around, he asked, "Li Yue, has the little devil arrived yet?"

Li Yue looked slightly confused before understanding dawned upon him. 

"You mean the Young Miss? Master, you know girls dislike being called names like devil, right?"

Ru Qiang shook his head adamantly. "I didn't call her a devil. I called her a little devil. It's a much nicer name." 

Li Yue sighed, but he was used to his master's strange moments by now. "The Young Miss hasn't appeared yet. I will keep an eye out though."

At that moment, a familiar voice excitedly shouted out from the other side of the courtyard.

"My beautiful goddess! You have arrived!"

Ru Qiang wanted to run away but alas, it was already too late for that. The Young Master Chu appeared right in front of him with a bright flush in his cheeks.

"Miss Hui Yi, did you have a good trip? Are you feeling hungry? Would you like me to get you anything? Do you feel okay? Can I help you get settled in? Are you feeling nervous? What about needing help getting introduced? Or what about--"

Ru Qiang wearily rubbed at his own forehead as he held up a hand to stop the bombardment of questions.

"No...I am fine."

The Young Master Chu sighed at Ru Qiang's fake feminine voice. 

"Ah, Miss Hui Yi. Even the sound of your voice is like the heavens calling for my soul to return back to the land of bliss~"

Ru Qiang gave up on trying to make him be quiet. Without another word to the Young Master Chu, he walked towards the building where all the other guests were seated inside.

"Ah, wait for me! Miss Hui Yi!"

Ru Qiang's pesky admirer was just about to follow him when Li Yue stepped in.

"Young Master Chu. Your father sent me to look for you. He requires some assistance in the main residence."

The Young Master's face showed confusion as he looked Li Yue up and down.

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