Chapter 10 - The Beginning of the Emperor's Game

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Feng Yao immediately bowed deeply to the Emperor and greeted him with her eyes downcast.

"Greetings to Your Majesty. May you forever be prosperous and--" 

He waved his hand, cutting her off. There was a look of boredom on his face as he played around with a tea cup in his large hand.

"Don't bother with formalities." 

From the side of her vision, Feng Yao could see the Emperor lean back in his chair. His deceptive body language said that he was quite relaxed, but she knew that he was anything but.

Was it because he was the most powerful person in this country? Why did she suddenly feel an uneasy illness settling in her stomach?

"Where have you been? Zhen doesn't like waiting." His voice was calm. 

His face is deceptively sweet, yet his actions are laced with a fatal unpredictability. 

Feng Yao bowed even lower. "Replying to Your Majesty, I have been with Miss Hui Yi per your orders from yesterday."

He paused, clearly thinking about what had transpired at the banquet. "Zhen remembers. Has she kept you company well?"

"Yes. Thank you to Your Majesty for your thoughtfulness."

A moment of silence passed. She finally glanced up at him only see a faint smile on his lips as he gazed at his cup. On anyone else, she would have taken it at face value. Yet for him, it was completely different. That expression of his sent more than a thousand shivers down her spine. 

Feng Yao knew when she was looking at another masterful deceiver. And this man was definitely one. A very dangerous one. 

It would not be wise to stay here much longer.

She quickly lowered her head into another bow. "Your Majesty, I am but a simple peasant. I do not dare impose on your hospitality any longer. My family back in my village must be missing me dearly. Thank you for your kindness, but I really must be returning."

He was silent for a second before slowly nodding. In a soft voice, the emperor seemingly spoke to himself.

"Of course. What was Zhen thinking? The palace isn't suited for beggars." He let out a casual laugh, but it only made Feng Yao more cautious as he continued. "This place may not be suited for beggars. But it is suited for concubines."

He is suggesting...? 

Feng Yao's face was immediately wiped clean of any emotion. It was as if a heavy steel wall had just shut between her and the outside world. 

Out of the corner of her eyes, there was a sudden glint of light. But she didn't dare look to investigate in case he realized that she knew something was off. 

During this entire time, the emperor had simply continued to play with the teacup as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. He never once even glanced at her just like how he'd never waste his energy gazing downwards to look at ants. 

As he continued study the cup in the light, he asked, "Do you know that this teacup is very special to Zhen?" A loving gaze appeared in his eyes as he continued slowly turning it in the light.

With a voice as carefree as a floating feather, he exclaimed, "It's truly remarkable. The only one of its kind made by a master who died hundreds of years ago. But do you know why Zhen loves it so?"

His lips tilted upwards as a cruel glint suddenly appeared behind his mask of a face. 

"It's because I can do this."

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