Chapter 38 - A Complete and Utter Mess

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Feng Yao blankly blinked as she stared at the scene in front of her that was currently blocking her passage in the middle of the streets.

"Darling, it's this man right here! He's the one who assaulted me last night and stole all of my valuables!"

A woman messily dressed in a yellow robe sobbed as she tugged on the sleeve of the man standing next to her. The pitiful state of her robes made it look like she had been grievously wronged and had only managed to dragged her poor self out of bed for the sole reason of exacting vengeance.

Combined with the makeup on her face that emphasized the dark bags underneath her eyes, she completely fit the part of a poor and pitiful woman. 

Hearing the words of the woman, the man that she was holding on to immediately darkened his gaze as he turned to scan the faces of all the people who were unlucky enough to be near them. 

"Who dared to touch my woman? Come forth, you coward! Which one of you was so arrogant to come and provoke me on my turf?!"

All of the people who had been secretly watching this drama unfold in the middle of the city suddenly turned away and pretended to be incredibly interested in their tasks.

"Ah, I forgot to double check my garden! Nothing's more important than my squashes!"

"Is that my mother calling for me? Yes mother! I'll coming home right now!"

"Such a beautiful day! I think I'll test how fast I can sprint to the other end of this street to, uh, practice running from my future wife!"

Feng Yao was speechless as the crowd around her abruptly dispersed like tiny cockroaches, leaving her alone with this crazy couple in front of her.

What is with the standard of humanity nowadays? Sheesh! If they were going to scatter so quickly, at least give me a signal so that I can get a chance to escape with the crowd too!

She sighed. Alas, her luck seemed to have finally run out. To have a run in with scammers on her very first time alone out of the estate was extremely pitiful.

All of the other civilians living in this area seemed to already be familiar with this couple and their crazy antics. It was only her, a poor newbie, that was unaware of the dangers lurking at every corner on this street which caused her to be the target of these two scammers.

It was clear that they were going to try and get her caught up in their drama so that they could steal her money pouch when she wasn't paying attention.

Ahhh, but still! I'm actually quite impressed! It's still so early in the morning, but they've already come out to earn some money! 

What hardworking people! I must take notes for future reference! 

Letting out a slight cough to hide the sparkle of anticipation in her eyes...wait no. That wasn't right. She wasn't supposed to be excited during the process of getting conned, right?

"Darling darling! Look, it's that man right there! Right there! He's the one who grabbed my money pouch and the beautiful jade bracelet you gifted to me during our outing!" 

The woman broke down into sobs as she repeatedly tugged on the man's sleeve while staring up at him with her red-rimmed eyes. In response, his expression softened before he gently pulled her into his embrace.

"Don't worry, my love. It's not your fault. You were clearly taken advantage of and had your items stolen. Just let me know which despicable creature here it was that threatened you yesterday."

"It was...him!"

Suddenly, the woman pointed a finger directly towards Feng Yao, and everyone who was still secretly hiding all simultaneously turned to look at her in pity for being chosen.

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