Chapter 35 - The Color Of Black Hides Many Secrets

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Feng Yao sighed as her toes nudged at one of the fallen bricks at her feet. She wasn't worried about finding her way back.

What she was really worried about was the man laying unconscious behind her.

It wasn't that she was afraid of him waking up and deciding to seek revenge on her. It wasn't even the fact that he was obviously sneaking around in the Jun Estate wanting to kill Ru Qiang. 

Nope. She was worried that once he woke up, he wouldn't be able to find his way out. 

Deeply sighing, her foot kicked at the brick again. 

Please tell me I won't have to come back over here and lead him out by the hand. He's skilled enough that he can wake up and escape without getting lost again right? 

She glanced over her shoulder at the silver-clothed man still happily snoring behind her on the ground. His facial expression was quite peacefully actually. Almost like he hadn't just been forcibly impaled with Feng Yao's poisonous needle. 

As she studied his face, her hand expertly twirled the remaining spare needle in between her fingers, letting it weave across each finger with a motion as smooth as water. Taking note of his calloused hands and well-built frame, she tilted her head.

Sigh...If he wanted to come here as an assassin, why would he come here barefaced without even a mask to hide his identity? And while wearing the same brightly colored-robes as last time?

He seems kind of cocky. A bit arrogant. Perhaps even slightly overconfident.

Either he's doing it on purpose...or he really is just that air-headed. 

Which, combined with his high martial arts skill, may be even worse than him being smart. 

In his excitement earlier, he hadn't realized that Feng Yao had been hiding poisonous silver needles in her robes. In the end, he even accidentally allowed himself to be pricked by her. 

And now, he was no different than a sleeping bear. A giant, lumbering bear that had just eaten too much honey and was now in a food coma.

Feng Yao nodded to herself. Yes, she quite liked this description.

Giving one last look behind her shoulder, she saluted his unconscious, slumped-over form.

"Good luck! I hope you find your way out when you wake up!"

She grinned before stepping back through the hole in the wall and into the deserted corridor that was still messy from the previous attacks of arrows and falling rocks. As her feet daintily hopped around the broken bits, she flicked her wrist and re-pocketed the remaining silver needle into her sleeve.

Poor Xi'er...maybe I should stop stealing her needles? Although I do like these ones quite a bit...especially since she coated them in her silver sleeping powder...

Feng Yao quickly shook her head to focus. 

No, Feng Yao! Stealing is bad! Must...resist...the...temptation!

She stroked her chin, impressed at her own self-resolution.

Mhm! No more stealing! Stealing is shameless!

...Wait. Do I even feel shame? Is shame a thing?

Her careful steps that had been stepping around the broken remnants of the earlier chaos suddenly stopped as she paused and blinked. 

Huh. I guess I have none then. Oh well.

Shrugging, Feng Yao continued on her way, taking care not to trigger anymore hidden traps and mechanisms.

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