Chapter 4 - With Silver Needles Comes Great Responsibility

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They gaped at Feng Yao as she began to let out an evil laugh. Her eyes were brightly shining with faint traces of excitement as her shoulders shook with each cackle.

"Um. Do you think she realizes that her craziness is starting to leak out?"

"Shhh! Maybe if we don't mention it, it'll go away."

Feng Yao didn't notice their hushed conversation as she continued with her evil 'mwahahas' until her heart felt content. 

Whew, it's been a while since I last did that. Now then, shall I begin?

She stretched her neck and arms before standing up and slowly walking to the door. The girls instantly went silent as they watched her. Even though they thought she was a bit strange, there was no doubt that she was their best bet in being able to escape. 

Out of all the girls watching, only the fifth one narrowed her eyes at Feng Yao. The fifth girl couldn't help but speculate that hours ago, Feng Yao had been no different than one of the many homeless beggars out on the streets.

Her posture is so incredibly straight while her footsteps are soundless. How exactly does a beggar learn such perfect techniques?

The fifth girl watched as Feng Yao turned around to glance at them with no traces of her earlier laughing fit. Instead her eyes were calm and clear like water. Perhaps it was the fifth girl's imagination, but when Feng Yao looked at them, she felt as if Feng Yao's gaze had stayed on her for a split second longer. 

At that moment, footsteps from outside sounded just before the doorknob turned. Before the girls could say anything in warning, Feng Yao had already moved. In the next instance, the body of the head maid was lying unconscious on the ground.

No one spoke, unable to comprehend what had just happened. The moment that the head lady had stepped foot into the room, she had already began to tumble towards the floor. Slowly, one by one, their eyes trailed upwards to see an indifferent smile on Feng Yao's face. The way that she seemed so composed sent an eerie chill down their spines.

"Head lady, do you require assistance--"

Two maids came into the room before noticing the scene. Just as they were about to shriek, Feng Yao stepped in front of them. Despite being shorter than them, she easily cut off their screams by placing her hands over their mouths. She leaned in close to whisper something into their ears.

"Do not look for us."

Immediately afterward, Feng Yao's fingers flew to a specific spot on each girl's neck and precisely struck an acupuncture spot. It was so quick as if she'd done this action hundreds of times before. 

Thud! Thud!

Feng Yao casually glanced down at them before turning back towards the girls who were staring dumbfounded at her.

"Ready to go?"

She had on a devilish grin as she turned and walked out. Not wanting to be left behind, the five girls hurried after her. The entire building was quiet. Compared to Feng Yao's silent footsteps, the girls behind her were like a hoard of elephants stomping loudly as they followed. 

" you really think we can leave like this?"

Feng Yao almost laughed at that. So now she went from being "beggar girl" to a "miss"? Did seeing her take out three people suddenly make them lose their minds? She couldn't resist taking this chance to try out one of those cool lines that only heroes were able to say.

"No worries, I'll make sure you guys get back home safe and sound."

Wow Feng Yao, you sound just like a hero!

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