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Valerie and Elliot had been best friends for years now. It was the summer before a new year of school and they were getting ready for their next school year. Elliot had been building up to tell Valerie his biggest secret that he had only told his family about. 

They both decided to start next semester at a new school, they straight-up hated the school they had been attending before summer break. Elliot's older brother Brett said that he really liked his old school. Elliot and Valerie's school was a new school that was opened after Brett went to school. They decided that they wanted to start their new year there as Brett had only told them good thing about that school.

Since they were starting at a new school at the beginning of the upcoming semester, Elliot saw this as an opportunity to start fresh with coming out to his best friend. 

Elliot's POV

''Val, I'm gay'' I told her and held my hands together feeling how sweaty they were. I felt nervous about her response as I was looking away from her gaze, struggling to keep eye contact while fiddling with my shirt. 

''You're gay?'' Valerie asked confused. She has known me almost my entire life, how is it possible that she haven't noticed. 

''Yeah, I'm gay and I just wanted to tell you since you're my best friend'' I said looking down at my sweaty hands that I had to dry on my shorts, hoping that she didn't notice. 

Valerie gave me a hug suddenly, ''it's brave of you to come out to me.'' The response made me happy. I am so grateful for my best friend accepting me. Not really sure why I was so scared to come out with it. She has always supported me in the past. 

Valerie ended the hug and smiled at me. ''Elli, you don't seem gay to me, you never wear pink or 'act' gay'' Valerie said. 

I had to let out a chuckle as I shook my head''I don't really know how someone 'act' gay, but I guess it's because I've been careful not to reveal it to anyone.'' 

 ''Well, I'm glad that you wanted to tell me'' Valerie said as she gave me another hug. This hug lasted a bit longer, and it was really appreciated. 

Valerie phone vibrated and she picked up her phone to read a text she got. ''It's my mum, I have to get home'' she said getting up from the beanbag she had been sitting in. 

I also got up from the beanbag I was sitting in, following Valerie out. ''See you later, get home safe'' I said waving Valerie goodbye. 

''I will, bye Elli''. She smiled and left the property. 

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