Chapter 30

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Elliot's POV

Finally, the summer vacation had started, and to celebrate, me, Aiden, Noah, Valerie, Justin, and Matt were all hanging out at Matt's place. He had this huge pool area that we could enjoy now that the weather had gotten too hot to stay on land. 

Right before summer had started, Matt and Valerie had decided to start dating, so they were currently in some type of honeymoon phase. Because of this Justin had been grossed out every time he hangs out with them and they show too much affection for each other.

Just for the jokes of it, since Justin and I Noah the only single ones. Justin would flirt with Noah. Not that Justin was gay or anything, I guess he was just bored, but Noah didn't want any of it and he wasn't shy about putting Justin down every time he tried to flirt with him. The rest of us thought it was just funny and enjoyed Justin making a fool of himself, and watching Noah getting annoyed and frustrated. 

When everyone was in the pool we started a match of pool volleyball, without the net. I wasn't the best at it but it was fun. Besides I was on the same team as Aiden and Noah, and Aiden basically could play for both me and Noah and we could probably still have a chance against Matt, Justin, and Valerie. 

During the match, Justin tried to flirt with Noah as we were playing, but he really shouldn't have. Once Noah got the ball, he hit it so hard, making the ball move super fast right into Justin's face. Justin of course laughed, but it definitely hurt. There's no chance in hell that the ball hitting his face wouldn't hurt. 

Even though I put so much trust in Aiden and the fact that I thought we could win just by having him on our team, I realized that the other team was good players too as we ended up as the losing team. Aiden hated losing so he tried to discuss so much for us to play more but Matt and Justin thought it was too funny to see Aiden this frustrated. 

I swam towards Aiden and put my arms around his neck. He was standing tall, with water just below his chest, while the water was reaching my collarbones. Aiden changed his mood once I was around him, and he seemed to calm down a little more. He got lower so we were face to face as he took his arms around me and walked further out in the pool where it was deeper. 

Now, I couldn't reach the ground without my head going under so I took a leap of trust and took a stronger hold onto Aiden and put my legs around his waist. He smiled at me as he held onto me stronger as well. I felt relaxed in his embrace.

''You were good'' I told him and kissed his lips.

''Well not good enough'' he frowned but chuckled when I playfully hit his firm chest. 

''To me, you were the best'' I covered his lips with mine once again and stayed like this for a while. Suddenly he was moving downwards, and before I know it we were kissing underwater. Holding each other's breath by breathing the same air. 

It was kinda romantic and got a little bit sensual as we got closer to the bottom floor of the pool and how I was now laying on him and one of his hands had moved to my behind while the other held me close around my waist. He started to caress me as we deepened our kiss. I wish we were at home now I thought to myself as I felt myself getting harder in my swimming shorts. 

I started to need air and even though I loved what we were doing, I couldn't hold my breath anymore so we resurfaced. 

Once Aiden also had gotten his head above the water he took a hold of me, keeping me on himself, not letting me go. Not that I'm complaining. 

''Should we get out of here'' he asked me with a smirk. I moved my hands up to his chiseled jawline and stroke up towards his cheek. Once again I kissed him before I replied.

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