Chapter 17

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Elliot's POV

Brett parked a little away from Matt's house. Just because it was very busy around his house and Val and I have feet to walk on over there.

It was loud, so many people and cool party decorations as well as hanging lights. Not to mention that the house was amazing. I wasn't aware that Matt was this rich. Was he? It seems like it now at least.

We walked up the stairs to his front door. There were already a few people we walked past who were hanging outside on his front lawn, also people by his door. There were people everywhere. The whole school and more were probably attending this party. 

Right when Val and I were about to open the front door to enter the house, people came outside.  I could see between the space of people even more people hanging around in the hallway behind them, in the living room at the end of the hallway, and in the backyard that I saw through the windows in the living room. There were people all over the place.

Valerie took my hand and we made our way inside, trying to not get squeezed by everyone else. Once we got away from them, I started to look around to see if I could find Aiden.

It didn't even take that long before I saw him resting his arm on the staircase railing, going up to the second floor. He was wearing fitted black jeans and a red shirt that he had folded his arms up. I smiled and was about to walk towards him when I realized he was talking to some blond girl who was about the same height as me, standing on the stairs. She was really pretty and my mind was starting to go wild. Everything that Valerie and I were talking about in my room came into my mind. Is he really just playing with me, is he really attracted to girls?

''I need a drink'' I told Valerie and walked towards something that looks like the kitchen, trying my best to move past all these people and not get mushed. As I walked I noticed the blonde girl's rack and her small waist and large behind. 

Valerie caught my gaze, she got closer to my ear. ''It's probably fake, I mean... like the whole girl.'' I giggled by the commented and was grateful for her support, but I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that this is the type of girls most teenage hormonal boys would find attractive. 

''Yo Elliot!'' I suddenly heard from the kitchen. I turned my attention from the blonde girl towards the voice. It was Justin calling my name, waving for me and Valerie to come over. 

''Here you go!'' he said excited and handed both Valerie and I each a red plastic cup with clear liquid in it.

''What's in it?'' I asked as I sniffed it. It was a strong smell and I wasn't too excited to taste it.

Justin laughed at my reaction. ''Just try it!'' What can be the worst thing to happen? I thought to myself before I drank some of it. It was strong, it was awful and I honestly regret trying it seconds after the taste hit.

''Ew, that's the worst thing I've ever tasted in my life. What even is that?'' I asked as I looked back at Justin with a weird grimace on my face.

Justin laughed some more. ''It's an 40% alcoholic drink''.

That's nasty. ''But what did you mix it with?'' Valerie asked. She hadn't even tried the drink yet.

''Nothing'' Justin continued to laugh as Valerie gladly put the drink down. 

''I think I will stick to some punch'' she said as we took a new red plastic cup each. She filled up my cup and I drank it and it was way better than what Justin had just given me.

We continued talking for a while just drinking and looking around the room. I was starting to feel more giddily and everything started to become so funny and it was easy talking even though there were so many new people joining the conversation that I didn't know. 

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