Chapter 12

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Elliot's POV 

School just ended and I walked out of the classroom to meet Valerie at the entrance. She was already there, ready for our talk.

''Hi Val, so what did you want to talk to me about?'' She looked nervous and looked at all the other students that were walking near us.

''Could we go somewhere to talk maybe?'' she asked as she continued to look at all the students getting ready to leave school.

''Sure, do you want to come to my house?''

She smiled and nodded. We walked to the parking lot, where I see Brett's car. I saw him waiting in the front seat using his phone. We walked towards the car and I decided to sit in the backseat with Valerie, even though I usually sit in the passenger seat, next to Brett.

Brett seemed confused once we got inside his backseat. ''Why are you sitting in the b... oh, hi Val. Didn't realize you were tagging along. It's been a while since I've seen you'' Brett said and gave her a friendly smile.

''Hi Brett'' she said and smiled back at him.

''Are you two going any place special, or am I just driving us home?'' Brett asked as he looked at me.

''Just home'' I replied. Brett nodded his head and turned his head back to start the car. 

Once we got home, Val and I got upstairs to my bedroom. She went inside and I closed the door behind us. She sat down on my bed and I did so too. We sat beside each other and I saw her fiddling with her fingers. I guess what she was going to tell me was really something special.

''You can start talking once you're ready, I'm ok waiting'' I said and put my hand on her shoulder. She turned towards me and smiled at me when she saw me giving her a comforting smile. 

She took a deep breath. ''Elli, I'm... I'm pregnant.'' I was a little shocked by that, was that the reason I met her coming out of the school bathroom that day, and why she didn't want to drink at camp?

We were both virgins before we started this new year, well I am still but besides the point. ''Are you sure?'' I asked a little concerned.

''Yes, I've taken three test and all were positive'' I saw how her eyes watered a little. My hand moved from her shoulder to make small movements on her back for support.

''How long have you known?''

She looked towards me. ''About three weeks.'' A tear came from her eye but she quickly dried it with her hand.

''Do you know who the father is?''

She took another deep breath. ''It's Dylan'' she said and tears came fast as she hid her face in her hands. I took my arms around her and hugged her. I know that we haven't really been the best of friends lately, but she is still my best friend and I really see her needing me right now.

''Does he know?'' She didn't answer for a while, she just continued to cry.

When she showed her face and dried away a little more of her tears she was ready to reply. ''No, he won't give me a chance to talk to him''

That douche! I can't believe he can knock up Valerie, and then just freeze her out. ''Well, do you want to tell him?''

''No! I don't even want to keep it. That's the reason why I wanted to talk to you. I need your help.'' she said and tears came quickly from her eyes. ''It happened at a party when we were both pretty drunk, I just wish it didn't happen!'' she continued crying.

I hugged her once more. ''I'll help you, no question about it. If you're really sure about this, I'll do whatever you want me to do for you.'' I said and brushed her hair for support. 

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