Chapter 31

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Brett's POV

Today was the first day in my own flat. Elliot and papa were here to help me get everything in place and also to help me decorate.

I was very happy with it. It was big and I loved the bricks that were found throughout the flat. It had a masculine feeling, that contrasted the white walls that lit up the living and kitchen areas. It wasn't very far from where my family lived, but it was closer to my work and in the middle of the city which is why I decided to move. Also because I feel like I now can provide for myself with a better salary and the fact that I don't need to depend on my fathers anymore.

''It's so nice and bright in here honey!'' Papa said as he put down a box on the floor.

''Thank you, I'm really happy with it too'' I said as I could barely hide my excitement. I can't quite believe this is mine.

''Wow Brett, this looks amazing'' Elliot said in awe as he took in all of the living room as he placed another box on the floor.

The flat was currently fairly empty. I only had time to get a bed, a sofa, a coffee table, and the dining area ready. The apartment already had a fully furnished kitchen and a built-in walking closet.

Elliot opened his box and started to put pillows on my sofa as papa began to put some decor on the coffee table. While they were busy making it homier, I went down and outside to get some more stuff from my car. We had brought most of the things that I needed and I could always buy something if I felt like it was missing.

When I was getting stuff in the car. I saw one of the boxes that had been opened slightly, probably something sharp that had torn the cardboard. However, what really caught my attention with this box, was the fact that on top of the box I could see the blanket I had shared with Noah reveal itself. I smiled thinking about that night and felt a little strange now that I probably wouldn't see Noah that much anymore since I mostly saw him when he was visiting Elliot.

I grabbed the box and brought it back upstairs and put it on my bed. I folded the blanket and put it over the back of the chair and watched it as memories played in my mind.

Not wasting too much time, I continued to empty the boxes and put stuff where they belonged.

Once I was finished in the bedroom, I went back to the living room and saw papa and Elliot sitting on the balcony enjoying a drink. ''Here honey'' papa said and held out a glass of lemonade as I joined them.

''It's turning out well'' I said as I sipped my drink.

''Yes, it was already a very nice place, but now it's starting to look more like a home!'' papa said excitedly.

''Please have me excused boys, I need to borrow the bathroom'' Papa said as he left us to enjoy our drinks at the balcony. Elliot looked out from the balcony and enjoyed the view of the park. Because we were quite high up, the view from here was pretty good if I do say so myself.

''Why did you suddenly decide to move. I mean you could have for a long time, why did it happen now?'' Elliot asked as he was resting his arms on the glass railing.

''You know now that you drive with Aiden to and from school you don't have that much use of me anymore'' I said and faked being upset.

''So you're ok with Aiden? And besides, I will always have the need for your help Brett.'' Elliot said with a big smile.

''Do I have any other choice, but to understand that you guys seem to work it out?'' I smiled and saw Elliot light up as he looked at me. He moved from the railing and hugged me

''But if he hurts you anymore, I'll literally castrate him and kill him and there will be no way for anyone to find his lifeless body afterward,'' I said strict, the fact that Aiden had once hurt Elliot was hard to forget, so he'd be brave to ever do it again.

Elliot laughed and lightly hit my shoulder and I smiled from his reaction. ''But besides the fact that you don't really need me that much anymore. Modeling is working out quite well for me, I book a lot more jobs than in the beginning so it's easier to just live in the city.'' I said truthfully. It has been really busy lately and I have been booking a lot of jobs, not just here at home, but also internationally, which is very exciting.

''That's great Brett, sounds like a lot of fun!'' Elliot said excitedly as he chugged the last of his lemonade. He got back up from the chair he'd been sitting on as papa came back and decided for the three of us that it was time to continue if we wanted to finish before dark.

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