Chapter 18

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Elliot's POV

It was nice to wake up in a familiar bed this morning, not that I can complain that I got to wake up in a bed with Aiden yesterday. Our night was amazing and I loved to look at him sleeping when I woke up.

I don't even mind the fact that it is Monday today, the least liked day of the week. I am too excited to see Aiden at school.

Even though it was a good morning, I could still feel the pain from yesterday being present today. When Brett picked me and Valerie up yesterday, I noticed him giving me a suspicious glare as I was walking side to side towards his car. He didn't really say much, I take that as he doesn't know what happened, but his glare told me otherwise.

''Guess who'' someone said as I felt a pair of large hands cover my eyes. A smile appeared on my face as I took the hands down from my eyes and turned around to see a smile on Aiden's beautiful face.

He moved down closer and kissed my lips. The feeling of his lips touching mine is currently my favorite thing in the world. It made my body warm and tingly.

''You look good today'' I said as I looked at Aiden's light blue denim jacket with borg collar on top of his white tee and black jeans.

''You too babe'' he replied as he took my hand in his and walked mine to my classroom. This was the second time Aiden had called me babe, the reaction in my head was the same as the first time, I was screaming, but hiding it on the outside.

Once we arrived we stood outside the door talking while my classmates walked inside. It took the clock to ring for him to walk from me, leaving me alone in a class where I had no friends.

I had gotten more used to have some friends. I got back together with Valerie, I had Aiden and his friends, but in this class, I was all alone while everyone else had someone to talk to.

''Good morning'' Mrs. Clarke said as she came walking through the door. The class replied her with a 'good morning' back.

She wasn't alone. A brunette boy followed her and stood in front of the class.

''This is Noah Wright, a new student that will have this class with you.'' she smiled to the class as she presented the boy who happened to be named Noah.

''You can sit down next to Elliot'' she said and pointed to me, one of the few people in the class who sat alone. I raised my hand slightly so it was easier for Noah to see me. He nodded before he walked towards his desk and sat down next to me.

''Noah'' he said and put his hand out for me to greet him. ''Elliot'' I replied with a smile and shook his hand.


The clock rang and Mrs. Clarke dismissed the class. Noah and I walked out together to find his locker. His locker happened to be close to Dylan's, which was quite terrifying. As I walked with him to show him where it was, I noticed that Dylan and his friends were leaning on their lockers, joking and laughing.

''Are you ok?'' Noah asked as he noticed me stopping. ''Yeah, well. It's just that those guys are bad guys, and I don't really feel too comfortable around them. Especially him'' I said and discreetly pointing at Dylan.

''I don't care about guys who think they're tough'' Noah said as he confidently walked towards his locker. I was starting to get a little scared. Should I follow him or leave him. I honestly want to leave him, but I can't. I don't want to feel guilty if they murder the new guy.

I walked right behind him to his locker. While walking I noticed that he was a few inches taller than me... great, another tall person.

Noah looked down on the paper he held, where he read the information about his locker. The locker number and the combination to open it.

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